DI024676 License

License number

DI025404 DB instance

Database instance

DI024675 DB Schema

Database schema for which a database access is to be set up

See also: DB Schema

DI025152 DB Schema

Name of the DB schemas

DI024860 DBMS

Database management system


  • 000002 - ORACLE database
  • 000004 - MS SQL server database

DI025156 DBMS

Name of the DBMS

DI024903 Active


  • : DB instance is not activated - inactive
  • : DB instance is activated - active

DI024906 Archive


  • : DB instance is no archive DB
  • : DB instance is an archive DB

DI025786 Language

Language of the database instance overrides other language settings

  • e.g. user language

DI024687 Name

DI024723 Path

For SQL data bases e.g. database name ORACLE_SID

DI024724 Name

For SQL databases e.g. database name ORACLE_SID

DI024729 Connect string

  • For SQL databases normally by clicking on the Copy connect string from template button. Exception: in special cases manual input after consulting PLANTA.

Further use (in preparation):

  • Protocol = tcp
  • Host =
  • Port = 25005
  • Path = /u/db/dnew
  • Name = P01B
  • This generates the following connect string:
    • tcp:

DI025151 Conn. string template

DI024737 Code page

Specifies the character set used in the case of an external SQL database

DI024728 Schema file name

File name for the schema file

DI024725 User

For SQL databases: the schema name (= user)

DI024726 Password 1

For SQL databases: the user’s password

DI024727 Password 2

Always the same as Password 1

DI025155 DBIF

Database interface; depending on the DBMS used. No input option for the user.


  • 2 = Oracle
  • 4 = MS SQL

DI024732 Open only if needed

Open only if needed. This function is in development.

DI024735 NULL date behavior

The parameter is deactivated and is no longer used.

DI024736 Access prot. type

The type of access protection can be specified separately for each database instance. The new type of protection becomes effective the next time the user logs in.


  • 0: No access protection (default)
  • 1: Owner-based
  • 2: ACR based (not used in 38 releases)

Details of the access rights for a record are entered when it is created. They can subsequently be changed by system manager in special data protection modules.

DI024730 Def. Tablespace Tab.

Default tablespace tables

  • Here, a storage location (=tablespace) deviating from the PLANTA presets (DATA) is defined for tables.


  • For databases, a tablespace describes the storage location in which tables, indexes, and other data objects are written.
  • In general, 4 types of tablespaces are to be distinguished:
  • Regular tablespaces are tables and indexes.
  • They are definitions under DBMS ORACLE.

DI024731 Def. Tablespace Ind.

Default tablespace. Here a storage location (=tablespace) deviating from the PLANTA presets (INDEX) is defined for indexes.