It is possible to define several dynamic variables with different codes or search behavior for a data item.
The content of dynamic variables can be edited using macro commands.
In contrast to other variable types, @D-variables cannot be reset since the value is dynamic anyway.
Technical details
Upon the following actions, those variables the data items of which exist in the active or a parent record are refreshed. If the active record is a button area, its parent area will be searched. Only applies if the code of the corresponding variable is 1 or 5.
Opening a listbox
Clicking on a button
Clicking on a link
Activating a function via the right mouse button
First, the system searches a suitable DI in the active record. If none is found, it is searched for in the parent records.
If the record which was activated is empty, only the dynamic variables on its key fields are updated (usually deleted). This should prevent, in particular, the deletion of, e.g., @D7 (DI001052 Main project).
Dynamic variables for data items the data field of which displays summarized values (summarization type not 0) are not updated.
If a change is made to an @D variable, this change will not affect the value of the associated data item.
Dynamic variables that are located on a data item with an automatic number are filled with this value when an automatic number is generated.
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