

  • In this module you can edit the attributes of the data series of a chart.
  • Depending on the chart type of the opened chart, different data areas will be displayed in the module


  • You can only create one data series per pie chart.
  • By right-clicking in the module and selecting the Configure series-specific markers context menu command, you can insert an individual marker configuration in the Marker module which will only be used for the respective data series.
  • By right-clicking in the module and selecting the Edit data points context menu command, you can configure the data points of a data series individually in the Data Points module.
    • By configuring data points individually, the corresponding settings which have possibly been configured in the Data Series module are overwritten.


Chart Attributes


  • An attribute is linked to a value from the source area via the Python ID.
    • The value of the data field is then further processed.

General Attributes

DA Python IDPython ID of the source data area
TypeThe chart type in which the data series is to be represented, e.g. Line or Pie
NameText in the legend
TextName on the data point
SymbolApplies the data field color to the data point. Works with traffic lights
ActionDefines a data field the action of which will be triggered when the data point is clicked on
GroupingThe values of the series are grouped by the value in this data field
Initially visibleWhen deactivated, the values of this series will not be displayed initially and must be activated via the legend
XPoint on the X-axis at which the data point is to be set
YPoint on the Y-axis at which the data point is to be set
Label symbolsID of the PLANTA symbol which is used to determine the text font. Overrides LabelSize and LabelColor attributes of the marker object.
Zero value behavior

This parameter is used to configure how 0 values are taken into account and how they are displayed in the chart. Possible settings:

  • Zero
  • Drop
  • Gap
  • Average

Zero value applies to all chart types except process, risk, and opportunity.


Trendline to the corresponding data series. Can be used in all charts with axes.

Can currently only be configured in expert mode.


"Trendlines": [
				"Type": "Linear",
				"Width": 3,
				"ForwardForecast": 4,                  
				"Fill": "#C64A75"

For further information, please refer to the Syncfusion documentation

Attributes for Bar/Gantt Charts

Group name

If you use the same group name on more than one series, the associated bars/columns are grouped together.  More information:

Column spacing

Defines the spacing between the columns in Gantt charts. If the parameter is not set, the spacing is automatically calculated based on the chart size.

Column width

Defines the width of the columns in Gantt charts. If the parameter is not set, the width is automatically calculated based on the chart size.

Attributes for Pie Charts

Category (X)Name of the circular segment
Number (Y)Fraction value of the circular segment
ExplodeWhen activated, the circular segments can be detached and inserted again by clicking
OffsetDefines how far the circular segments can be detached when Explode is activated
RadiusDefines the size of the segment radius in percent (in relation to the chart size)
Inner radiusConverts the pie chart into a donut diagram by releasing a percentage inside the diagram
Label positionConfigures whether a text field with the number of circular segments is displayed. Possible values: <empty>, Outside, Inside
Label sizeFont size of the label in pixels (default = 12)
Label overflow

Defines the action which is effected when the content does not fit in the label. Values: Ellipse, Clip

Label text wrap

Defines the action which is effected when the content does not fit in the label. Values: Normal, AnyWhere, Wrap

Label width

Defines the maximum width of the pie chart label. Value: double

Attribute for range charts

LowThe lower value of the data point
HighThe upper value of the data point

Attributes for Scatter Plots

Frame width

 Is used for defining the frame width of the empty rhombs in master milestone status charts (scatter plots). Default is 0 (no frame). Values from 0 provide a frame.

Attribute for Bubble Charts

SizeDetermines the size of the bubble
Invert size

Defines whether the size is to be inverted in bubble data series.

When activated, greater values will be represented by smaller bubbles.

Min. radiusThe minimum radius of a bubble
Max. radiusThe maximum radius of a bubble