
Version 39.5.21 contains: Database 39.5.21, Server 39.5.34, Client 39.5.33

released on: 02/19/2023

  • Below, release notes on PLANTA project customizing functions are listed. For release notes for the user and interface functions, please refer to the PLANTA project/portfolio and PLANTA link help areas.
  • The functions and bugfixes listed here are mainly contained in the database software component. Functions which stem from the server or client component are explicitly indicated in the column on the right-hand side.
  • The Releases and Downloads section in the Technology/Installation help area provides you with a comprehensive overview of the PLANTA project releases with links to their corresponding pages as well as with information on software installation and update for the release you use.
  • Here you can find known and fixed issues.

Press CTRL+B in the program or select the ? → System Information menu item to learn which component versions you use.



27016The LabelIntersectAction allows you to choose different chart axis layouts.C
27035The LabelPlacement parameter serves to define the chart axis label position. 
27037The new Column width and Column interval parameters have been implemented in Data Series of a chart.C
27036The new Label overflow, Label text wrap, Label width parameters for pie charts have been implemented in Data Series of a chart. They serve to control the exceedance of the allowed text length.C
27013The zero value behavior can now also be configured for pie charts.

New fields in Basic Data of a chart: Color range

  • Allows the user to define the colors used in the chart in a simpler way than by means of symbols on the data.
  • The color ranges are created in the form of listbox values. For this purpose, Belongs to must be set to 066734 on the listbox and the corresponding RYB values must then be set in the Category field. To facilitate this, module 009DTF Chart Color Range has been embedded in the chart panel.

New Group name parameter implemented for Data Series of the bar and Gantt charts in the Chart Customizer. If you use the same group name on more than one series, the associated bars/columns are grouped together. 

Bug Fixes


DescriptionFrom Server/Client
18489The Data Field Search module variant of the Modules module now works correctly.
18489The wrong listbox on the Component field for number formats in the Formats module has been corrected.