The dimmer module lets you show a client-side dimmer, indicating that a process is currently running and the user interface is not responsive




FunctionParametersReturn ValueDescription
Dimmer instanceEnter the context, displaying the dimmer
Dimmer.__exit__(self, *exc_details)exc_details: Exception type, instance and traceback
Exit the context, removing the dimmer
Dimmer.__init__(self, text, red=255, green=255, blue=255, alpha=60, show_spinner=True)text: The text that should be displayed on screen.

red: The amount of red in the background.
green: The amount of green in the background.
blue: The amount of blue in the background.
alpha: The transparency of the background.
show_spinner: Controls if the rotating spinner graphic should be shown.

Info: red, green, blue and alpha range from 0 to 255
Dimmer instanceInitialize a new Dimmer instance. The dimmer won't be shown until you enter its context


  • The rotating spinner graphic can be changed for a client installation by replacing the DimmingSpinner.png file inside the client Resources folder


Dimmer.textAllows you to read or set the text displayed in the Dimmer


Dimmer rgba value visualization

Using a dimmer as a context manager

from ppms.dimmer import Dimmer

dimmer = Dimmer(text='Loading data', red=255, green=0, blue=255)
with dimmer:
    # do something here
    dimmer.text = 'Loaded 1 of 2 records'
    # do some more stuff
# Dimming is automatically removed