


  • Data area
    • Include source data fields and the respective projection data fields in the required data area.
    • For the projection data fields,
    • If the projected data is to be summarized additionally, include them in the target area and select the required value in the Summarization type field. Fill the Grid field in the target area as well.
  • Module
    • In the module construction, the area with the projection data fields must have a scale data area as parent area (directly or indirectly via the structure of the data areas).


  • It is not allowed to customize projections and histograms in the same data area. If you ignore this, a Python error message will be displayed when the module is used.

Column type must be specified.

Enable Editing Below the Scale


  • To enable editing and creation of records projected below a time scale.


Projected Values from Different Sources


  • Projected data items should be able to retrieve calculations from different sources.


  • The calculations from the summarized data items can be made using value ranges. For this purpose, the required data items from the different data areas are summarized into a target data area where they are calculated. The data item to be calculated usually stems from the data table of the target area as well.
  • If the sources stem from another data table, which can be projected as well, calculation in the summarized areas is possible, but the result cannot be projected.


  • Values from Load (DT472) and Period (DT468) are to be summarized to Resource (DT467), calculated there, and the calculated values are to be projected.
  • Module structure:
    • Resource
      • Load
      • Period


  • Projection DI
    • has a D and a V sub-DI for each source
      • e.g. D Date from DT472, V Value from DT472, D Date from DT468 and V Value from DT468
    • The projected DI receives an additional value range which defines the calculation of the sub-DIs
  • Module structure
    • The module contains the source data areas (in example DT472 + DT468) and a parent data area, e.g. Resource (a sum area is also possible).
    • The source DIs and the calculating DI are included in the module.

Vertical Date Lines below the Scale


  • In addition to horizontal bars, particular dates are to be visualized by vertical lines below the scale.


  • Open the bar DI for the required dates, e.g. DI002951 in the Data Items module.
  • Enter the required symbol, e.g. 001354, in the secondary symbol ID field in the required SUBDI record, e.g. DI006786.
  • Save.
  • Restart the server.