DI000636 Symbol ID

ID number of the symbol, composed of the license number and a sequential counter.

DI002030 Symbol

Preview field to the eponymous Symbol ID data field.

DI001573 Name

Name of the symbol

DI001747 Font type

Here, a font used by the PC is specified for the Symbol type = 0 (font symbols).


  • Arial
  • Courier
  • etc.


  • If the main font used in the standard (Arial) is not installed on your PC, look for the [Font Substitutes] entry in the Win.ini file and make an entry: e.g. Arial = Courier.
  • PLANTA does not supply barcode fonts with the system

DI001738 Symbol type


  • 0: font
  • 1: geometrical form (e.g. rectangle or circle), can be used for bars, for example.
  • 9: invisible (e.g. for dominance displays)

DI000652 Height

Height of the symbol, specified in tenths of a millimeter.


  • For a font, this is the height of the characters.
  • For lines and linking symbols, it is the size of the background, along the center of which the line runs.
  • 0 means: no background.
  • 34 for tree structure: +/-
  • 36 for tree structure: grid line


  • For triangular symbols we recommend an even-numbered height. The width of these symbols can be inaccurate by several pixels.

DI029853 Font height

Height of the font in the symbol

DI001955 Min. width

Minimum width for scaled objects with a length of 0, specified in tenths of a millimeter


  • For a task with duration = 0, a fraction of the bar with the width specified here is to be displayed at the task start date.


  • For triangle symbols, the minimum width must be exactly the same as the height of the symbol.

DI001749 Font bold

For symbols with symbol type = 0 (font symbols)


  • : Font symbols are displayed bold.
  • : Font symbols are not displayed bold.

DI001748 Font italic

For symbols with symbol type = 0 (font symbols)


  • : Font symbols are displayed in italics.
  • : Font symbols are not displayed in italics.

DI001750 Font underlined

For symbols with symbol type = 0 (font symbols)


  • : Font symbols are displayed underscored.
  • : Font symbols are not displayed underscored.

DI001746 Border color ID

Color of the margin. For area separation and area end symbols, this color is displayed.


  • @: Content will not dominate anything else = transparent margin

DI002028 Margin color

Preview field to the Margin color data field of the same name.

DI001744 Border thickness

Thickness of the line used in drawing the content, in tenths of a millimeter.


DI001740 Border form


  • 0: there is no margin
  • 1: continuous bar, pointed corners
  • 2: line
  • 3: triangle, pointing to the right
  • 4: triangle, pointing up
  • 5: triangle, pointing to the left
  • 6: triangle, pointing down
  • 7: circle
  • 8: continuous bar, rounded corners
  • 9: square
  • 10: tree structure: +
  • 11: tree structure: -
  • 12: diamond
  • 13: right-angled triangles below the bar
  • 14: right-angled triangles below the bar
  • 15: triangles with a base below the bar
  • 16: square rotated by 45 degrees

DI001745 Margin pattern

Specifies the pattern of the outline.


  • 0: pulled through
  • 1: dashed
  • 2: dotted
  • 3: dash dot dash dot
  • 4: dash dot dot dash dot dot


  • Under Windows, lines are only affected by the pattern if their width is exactly 1 pixel. Since they are specified in tenths of a millimeter, different results are obtained at different screen resolutions. I.e. if the thickness is too great, all visible patterns will be displayed as "continuous" lines.

DI001743 Background color ID

Defines the background color of symbols Note

  • @: Content will not dominate anything else = transparent background

DI002027 Background color

Preview field to the eponymous Margin color data field.

DI000637 Content color ID

  • For content form = 1-4:
    • Specification of the content color or of the content pattern.
  • For font symbols (Symbol type = 0)
    • Specification of the font color.


  • @: content will not overlay anything else = transparent content

DI002029 Content color

Preview field to the eponymous Content color data field.

DI001751 Content form factor

Specification of an angle in degrees: The lines from which the pattern is formed are aligned in this angle.


  • Content form = 2 (line):
    • 0: horizontal lines
    • 45: diagonal lines, from bottom left to top right
    • 90: vertical lines
    • 135: diagonal lines from bottom right to top left
  • Content form = 3 (rhomb):
    • 0: right-angled diamonds (squares)
    • 45: pointed diamonds

DI001957 Content pattern

This specifies the pattern of lines used to draw the contents


  • 0: pulled through
  • 1: dashed
  • 2: dotted
  • 3: dash dot dash dot
  • 4: dash dot dot dash dot dot
  • 5: invisible


  • The visible patterns only work for a width of 1 pixel, see Margin pattern.

DI001739 Content thickness

Thickness of the lines used in drawing the content, in tenths of a millimeter


  • Value 2 for a tree structure: +/-

DI001742 Content form


  • 0: none (only background color is displayed)
  • 1: completely filled (only content color is displayed)
  • 2: line (hatching)
  • 3: diamond
  • 4: points


  • For font symbols (symbol type 0), the background color becomes visible if 0 (= no mask) is set as a value.

DI041306 Release

DI000159 Internal spacing

Further subdivides the geometric shape of a symbol


  • The spacing is specified in 1/10mm.
  • Special values
    • -1: If it is larger than the bar width (2 x symbol height), then at least 2 "sub-symbols" will be drawn; specifically at the beginning and the end. If this effect is required, -1 is specified.
    • -2: Is used for milestones, for example. The symbol is displayed in the middle of the start and end date.


  • For triangles which, placed side by side, form a bar:
    • Here, the gap between individual triangles is specified.
  • For continuous bars:
    • Here, 0 is specified.

DI000867 Content density

Density of the object content: Space between the dashes used to draw the content, specified in tenths of a millimeter.

DI023202 Button mouseover symbol

ID of the symbol to be displayed for mouseover

DI001956 Related application

Specification of a reaction that is triggered when the PPMS symbol is double-clicked.


  • PLANTA module (launch of a module in the PLANTA user menu)

DI000654 Start height

Gap between the top point of the symbol and the upper margin of the screen line, in tenths of a millimeter. For area frame symbols, this is the external frame width.

DI027408 Fixed shading width

DI027407 Scale shading symbol

DI023326 Hand mouse cursor

If activated, the cursor is displayed as a hand for mouseover effect

DI000640 Changed on

When a record is modified, the modification date is automatically entered here.

DI000645 Changed by

When a record is modified, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

DI025506 red

DI025507 green

DI025508 blue