DI008098 Pos.

DI008099 Data item

Here, the ID of the data item from the respective database on which the hyperlink was inserted in the program is displayed.

DI006408 Flag

DI006409 Display text

Here, the hyperlink text is entered or displayed.


  • If changes have been made to that field, they will only become visible in the program after restart.

DI040987 URL

Here, the link to a file or URL is entered or displayed.


  • If changes have been made in this field, they will only become visible after restart.

DI006398 Created on

When a record is created, the time of creation is automatically entered here.

DI006401 Created by

When a record is created, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field. The creating user is also the owner of a record.

DI006399 Changed on

When a record is modified, the modification date is automatically entered here.

DI006402 Changed by

When a record is modified, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

DI024541 Storage: modif. on

DI024542 Size

Here, the size of the hyperlink is displayed.