DI029728 Color ID

Color of the subeffect

DI02973 Color

Preview field for the Color ID data field.

DI040922 Position

Position of the subeffect. This position determines the sequence of subeffects.


  • The sequence of the subeffects makes a difference for colors and for Type = 0

DI029727 Type

Type of the effect


Values Possible attributes
0: Glare
1: FadeToColor
2: Cylinder
3: Cuboid
4: Shadownot yet implemented
5: BlankNo attributes
Using this value will draw the left margin frame of background DIs more bold.

DI029729 Direction


  • 0: horizontal
  • 1: vertical

DI040926 Angle

Angle for the quader. Values between 0 and 90. The default value is 45.

DI040927 Proportion

Proportion of 3D elements to data field width. The default value is 0.5.