General Information on Printing


  • You can print modules in the following formats:
    • A4 (portrait or landscape format)
    • A3 (portrait or landscape format)
  • Print layout
    • The following objects are not visible in print preview and print layouts:
      • Buttons
      • Calendar control symbols
      • Highlighting saved changes using color
      • Tree structure symbols (grid lines and +/- symbols)
      • Listbox symbols
      • Scroll bars
    • Continuous text fields are displayed in a way that the entire text is visible even if the continuous text fields have a fixed height in the module.


  • In order to increase the quality of effects (e.g. background gradients) you have to set the grid mode in the printer to super fine.

Notes for customizers

  • In module customizing in the Other Module Parameters module, the customizer presets print parameters for each module, e.g. Paper format, Margins etc. and defines which print areas (header and footer) a particular module contains.

Print from a Module


  • Open the required module.
  • If necessary, change the print settings (e.g. printer, page number, etc.) via the DataPrint via options menu item or pressing CTRL + P.
  • Initiate the print process
    • by clicking on the Print directly button in the toolbar or
    • via the DataPrint directly menu item.
  • During printing, the following message will be displayed: Page x of print y: Module name:

Print Preview


  • The print preview will be displayed in a separate panel. This panel only contains the print preview with the corresponding toolbar.
    • The customizer can use the Toolbar parameter to define which buttons are displayed in the toolbar.


  • Open the required module.
  • Switch to the print preview via the Data → Print preview menu item.


  • You cannot switch back to the module while the print preview/page break preview is open.
  • If you want to, e.g., display additional columns, you will have
    • to close the print preview/page break preview,
    • to display columns, and
    • to open the print preview/page break preview again.

Print Preview Functions


  • The functions described below are available in a toolbar intended for print and page break preview.
  • The toolbar is opened along with the print or page break preview via the Data → Print preview and Data → Page break preview menu items.
    • Some zoom functions are not available via toolbar buttons but only via shortcuts.

Print directly
Sends the module data with the current settings to the printer.
Print via optionsCTRL + PHere you can change print options before printing.
Edit margins
Shows the margins as continuous lines which can be dragged to the required position with the mouse. Further information.
This menu item is only available in the print preview.
Text marker
Marks the required area in the print preview like a text marker. Further information.
This menu item is only available in print preview.
Insert comment
Inserts a comment in the required area in the print preview. Further information.
This menu item is only available in the print preview.
Zoom = 100 %CTRL + 0Zooms the module content to 100 %.
Zooms to page width
Zooms the module content to page width.
Zoom +CTRL + scroll up with the mouseEnlarges the module content. Side margins, header, and footer remain unchanged. When you use this type of zooming, you can spread the module content over several pages and the number of pages may vary.
Zoom -CTRL + scroll down with the mouseReduces the module content. Side margins, header, and footer remain unchanged. When you use this type of zooming, you can spread the module content over several pages and the number of pages may vary.
You can enter the required zoom degree. The displayed value is refreshed automatically if you zoom using the Zoom + or Zoom -buttons.
Here, the required paper format can be selected from the listbox. The selected format is immediately visible.
  • If you need user specific formats, you have to set them directly on your printer via the Print via options menu item. Such formats will not be displayed in the print preview but only in the printed version.
Portrait/landscape format
Switch directly between portrait and landscape format.
Reset changes
All changes made to the print preview with regard to zoom, margin width, etc., will be reset to their default settings.
Extend module title
Extends the module title.
  • The text entered in the dialog box will be added to the module title as an extension.
  • The module title extension will also be applied to the module itself after closing the print preview/page break preview.
  • The module title extension will automatically be removed when the module is closed.

  • In order to undo the module title extension without having to close the module, open the menu item and click on OK.

Further Zoom Functions of the Print Preview

Zoom Function Key combination Description
General zoomALT + scrollZooms the entire page, comparable to MS Word Zoom.
Horizontal scale zoomSHIFT + scrollEnlarges or reduces the time scale and all objects below the time scale horizontally. This will change the scale and possibly the interval of the time scale. When you use this type of zooming, you can spread the module content over several pages and the number of pages may vary.
Vertical scale zoomCTRL + SHIFT + scrollEnlarges or reduces the histogram scale and all objects in the histogram scale vertically. As a result, the scale is changed. When you use this type of zooming, you can spread the module content over several pages and the number of pages may vary.

Special Functions of Print Preview


  • All changes performed using the following functions can be reset via the Reset changes menu item.



  • Switch to the print preview via the Data → Print preview menu item.
  • In the toolbar, click on the Pen button.
  • Mark the required area in the print preview like with a pen.
  • Deactivate the menu item again by clicking on the button once more.


Text Marker


  • Switch to the print preview via the Data → Print preview menu item.
  • In the toolbar, click on the Text marker button.
  • Mark the required area in the print preview like with a text marker.
  • Deactivate the menu item again by clicking on the button once more.


Insert Comment


  • Switch to the print preview via the Data → Print preview menu item.
  • In the toolbar of the print preview, click on the Insert comment button.
  • Click on the required area in the print preview.
  • A text field with a time stamp will be displayed.
  • Insert a comment.
  • Deactivate the menu item again by clicking on the button once more.



  • If you have activated this menu item, you can delete a non-activated comment by right-clicking on it.

Edit Margins


  • Switch to the print preview via the Data → Print preview menu item
  • In the toolbar of the print preview, click on the Edit margins button.
    • The margins are displayed as continuous lines.
  • Drag the lines to the required position using the mouse.
  • Deactivate the menu item by clicking on the button once more.


Page Break Preview


  • The page break preview will be opened in a separate panel. This panel only contains the page break preview and its corresponding toolbar.
    • The customizer can use the toolbar parameter to define which buttons are displayed in the toolbar.
  • In the page break preview, only the main print area (module content) is displayed.
  • When you open the page break preview, page breaks will be set automatically.
    • They can then be changed manually by the user.


  • You cannot switch back to the module while the print preview/page break preview is open.
  • If you want to, e.g., display additional columns, you will have
    • to close the print preview/page break preview,
    • to display columns, and
    • to open the print preview/page break preview again.

Page Break Preview Functions


  • Functions which are available for both print and page break preview via the menu items or shortcuts can be found in the Print Preview Functions and Page Break Preview chapters.

Special Page Break Preview Functions

Automatic Page Breaks


  • Automatic page breaks are set as soon as
    • records do not fit on one page.
    • the Page break parameter is activated in the customizer.
    • a record and the manual page break line overlap.
  • In order to change automatic page breaks in the print preview,
    • drag the page break line (blue) to the required position.
  • Both horizontal and vertical page breaks are allowed.
  • If the text in continuous fields is longer than the field itself, the field will be enlarged to the size of the text in the print layout.
  • If the continuous field does not fit on one page in the print layout, a horizontal page break will be set automatically.

Change Column Width
