
The following requirements apply to the use of PLANTA project with Jira:

  • PLANTA project must be installed (at least DB 39.5.15).
  • Jira (Server)must be installed.
  • PLANTA link must be licensed.
  • PLANTA Jira link must be licensed.

Per default PLANTA provides an integration with Jira Server. An individual integration with Jira Cloud is possible. Please contact your PLANTA consultant.


To enable the integration of PLANTA project with Jira, the following settings must be made:

  • PLANTA Server

Configure the following server parameters for the PLANTA project system which is to communicate with the Jira system in the web.conf:

  • generic_service - must be activated (true)
  • generic_service_interface - must be configured if necessary
  • generic_service_port - must be configured
  • ssl_generic_enable - must be activated (true) if you want to run Jira on HTTPS.
  • apikey_auth_filter_generic - must be deactivated (false) because Jira does not authenticate itself to the web interfaces.
    • After you have configured the parameter you have to restart the server.

  • PLANTA link
    • Define the required parameters in the Jira authentication area in the Jira Parameters module and selct the required interfaces in the Jira interfaces area.
      • In PLANTA standard, all required standard interfaces are already stored by default.
    • Synchronize or link PLANTA project and Jira users in the User Synchronization module.
  • PLANTA project
    • Time Recording Variant = 3 must be preset in order to enable the transfer of hours worked recorded in Jira to PLANTA project.
    • At the moment, the interface does not support automatic reverse postings. This means
      • you either use the Automatic reverse posting variant = 0 setting. However, this setting does not prevent changes from being made on the part of Jira (this would require adjustments to be made on the part of Jira), the changes are simply not transferred to PLANTA project.
      • or you generally work without reverse postings (no key date, no release for records transferred to external systems, etc.)
