Standard Interfaces for PLANTA pulse (Hybrid)

Pulse: Create User

  • Creates PLANTA users in PLANTA pulse

Pulse: Link Users

  • Links PLANTA users and PLANTA pulse users who have the same e-mail address

Pulse: Refresh All Users

  • Refreshes the values of all synchronized PLANTA pulse users in accordance with the values from their corresponding PLANTA users

Pulse: Create BoardContainer

  • Creates a PLANTA project project as a BoardContainer in PLANTA pulse

Pulse: Refresh BoardContainer

  • Refreshes the BoardContainer in PLANTA pulse which corresponds to the changed PLANTA project project

Pulse: Refresh all BoardContainers

  • Refreshes the values of all synchronized BoardContainers in PLANTA pulse in accordance with the values of their corresponding PLANTA project projects.

Pulse: Create Boards

  • Creates PLANTA project tasks as boards in PLANTA pulse

Pulse: Refresh Boards

  • Refreshes the boards in PLANTA pulse which correspond to PLANTA project tasks of the project currently selected for editing

Pulse: Refresh All Boards

  • Refreshes the values of all synchronized boards in PLANTA pulse in accordance with the values of their corresponding PLANTA project tasks

Pulse: Create List

  • Creates default lists within a board
  • Is opened once for each board by the Create board interface

Pulse: Create Board Member

  • Creates PLANTA project resource assignments as resource assignments in PLANTA pulse