Below you will find descriptions of individual parameters of the task notes.

DI001182 Document

Code (ID) of the task document


  • This field is automatically filled after making an entry in the note text field.
  • The corresponding data field is hidden by default but the user can have it displayed if required.

DI001184 Changed on

When a record is modified, the modification date is automatically entered here.


  • The corresponding data field is hidden by default but the user can have it displayed if required.

DI001192 Class 1

Classification 1 of the note/document


  • Here, a note/document can be marked as internal or external.
  • This field is hidden by default but the user can have it displayed if required.

DI001193 Language code

Serves to select the language


  • This field is hidden by default but the user can have it displayed if required.

DI001196 Completed

Marks a line as completed


  • = line (item) is completed
  • = line (item) still pending


  • This field is hidden by default but the user can have it displayed if required.

DI001197 Note text

Here the note text for a detailed description of the task or of the attached document can be written.

DI001560 Class 2

See Class 1

DI003485 Linked file

In this field you can create a link to a file.

Insert file

  • Right-click on the Linked file field and select the Insert context menu command.
  • Click on the Search button in the Insert hyperlink window.
  • Select the required file and click on the Open button.
  • Confirm with OK.
  • Save.


  • It is also possible to directly insert files from, e.g., the Windows explorer or files attached to e-mails via Drag&Drop.