

  • This module shows resources in table form, grouped by resource type.
    • It provides a quick overview as well as a comparison of the parameters of the different resources and makes it possible to edit or change the parameters for several resources at once.
    • Only resources which the current user is allowed to see according to his/her access rights are displayed.


  • By clicking on the All button at the bottom module margin you get an overview of all available resources.
  • Via letter buttons, resources the name of which begins with the corresponding letter can be displayed.

Module Variants

Resources leftOnly resources for which a Left on date is filled are displayed.
Check Incorrect Resource DataOnly employees and department resources for which the Start and/or End period fields are not filled will be displayed.

Edit Resources


  • You can change resource data by entering or changing the required resource parameters in the individual fields

Here you will find a list and description of all resource fields/parameters.


  • If particular period relevant resource parameters are changed after period records have already been created, the changes will not be applied automatically to the existing period records. They must therefore be updated. An info message will be displayed upon saving which explicitly points this out to the user. For further information, please refer to the "Resource Periods and Availability” chapter.

  • This can, however, only be done in the Resource Data Sheet module. For more information, see the Edit Periods section in the description of the Resource Data Sheet module.

Create Resources



  • It is only recommended to create new resources in the Resources module if these resources are no person resources.
    • Person resources are to be created in the Persons module in order to avoid inconsistencies between persons and the corresponding person resources.

Resource Periods and Availability


  • In order to enable planning for a resource in PLANTA project, one record per day must be created for it (period record, or simply called period), in which different planning parameters are defined.
  • In PLANTA, period records are generated automatically by defining a planning period (planning horizon) in the Start and End period fields and saving subsequently. You can view and edit them in the Availability module which you can open from the Resource Data Sheet of the corresponding resource.
  • In the Resources modules you can initially create or delete periods for several resources at once. After you have changed the resource parameters, existing periods can only be updated or completely deleted for individual resources in the Resource Data Sheet module. For in-depth information on resource periods and availability, please refer to the description of the Resource Data Sheet module.

Create/Change Periods

  • Mark the records of all resources the periods of which you want to edit.
  • Change the Start and End period of a resource as desired.
  • Apply the changed date specification to other marked resources via the Edit → Drag_Drop copy → Field to column menu items. 
  • Save. 
    • If there are no periods on resources yet, they are automatically created when saving.
    • If periods already existed and the planning period was changed, the periods which lie outside the new period are automatically deleted when saving.  Caution: when you delete periods, absence and vacation data of the corresponding resources will be deleted and planning data will be changed. For a more precise description of the procedure, please refer to the description of the Resource Data Sheet module.

Delete Periods

  • Mark the records of all resources the periods of which you want to edit.
  • Right-click and select the Delete periods context menu command.
  • Save. Caution: when you delete periods, absence and vacation data of the corresponding resources will be deleted and planning data will be changed. For a more precise description of the procedure, please refer to the description of the Resource Data Sheet module.

Hours to be Worked


  • In PLANTA project you can define for each resource how many hours per period (day) he or she is supposed to work. The planned value is compared to the work reporting of the resource.
  • You can edit or delete hours to be worked for several period records at once from the Resources module. For further information, see the two following chapters.


Edit Hours to be Worked


  • You can have required resource(s) displayed by clicking on the letters or on the All button.
  • Mark the required person resource(s).
    • If no resources are marked at this position, the next step applies to all resources displayed.
  • Click on the Edit hours to be worked button at the bottom margin of the module.
  • The dialog module of the same name will be opened.
    • For the previously marked resource(s), the required hours to be worked can now be defined in the Hours to be worked for periods field and the period to which these hours are to apply can be defined in the from and to fields.
      • Click on the Apply hours to be worked to period records button afterwards.
        • The dialog module is closed and the defined hours to be worked are copied to every individual period record in the Availability module.
        • The calculated average value of all period records is displayed in the Ø hours to be worked column in the Resources and Resource Data Sheet modules.
        • If the hours to be worked value of individual periods is changed, the calculated average value may deviate from the initially set hours to be worked value.

Delete Hours to be Worked


  • You can have required resource(s) displayed by clicking on the letters or on the All button.
  • Mark the required resource(s).
  • Click on the Delete hours to be worked button.
  • The Delete hours to be worked of resources message is displayed.
    • When you click on the
      • All displayed resources button, the hours to be worked of all displayed resources is deleted in all displayed period records.
      • All marked resources button, the hours to be worked of all resources which have been marked before is deleted in all displayed period records.
      • Cancel button, the task is aborted.


  • Individual period records can be found in the Availability module.

Delete Resources


  • Mark the required resource(s).
  • Click on the Delete button in the toolbar.
  • If the resource has no dependent data (see Notes), it will be deleted immediately.
  • Save.


  • The user who wants to delete a resource needs multi-project, multi-portfolio manager, or multi-project/multi-request manager rights.
  • If the resource to be deleted is still planned in active projects and has remaining or/and actual loads, a message will be displayed which indicates that the resource still has remaining/actual load. The resource will only be deleted after you have confirmed this message.
    • If such a situation occurs, you should check and possibly adjust the planning since the remaining and actual data of a resource will be lost when it is deleted. This may lead to a corruption of the planning data.
    • In order to delete resources with actual data, the editing user needs the right to delete actual postings in addition to the rights mentioned above. 
  • If you have selected a resource for deletion which has child resources, a message will be displayed which shows a list of all dependent resources and specifies the options to either only delete the selected resource or to delete the selected resource with all of its child resources.
    • If you choose the option for deletion of the parent resource only, the child resources are retained but they will be moved one level higher in the structure. In such a case, the Structure code of the resources in question must be checked and adjusted.