
  • E.g. in the Project module panel, all modules required for the creation and editing of a project are summarized.
  • Whether the panel can be opened for the purpose of creating a new project and whether project data can be edited or only be looked at depends on rights of the user and on whether the user possesses the role with the respective modules.

Access 1: Open the panel in order to make changes or to have a look at existing projects

  • You can open the required project
    • a) via the Extras → Go to menu or by opening a dialog window via CTRL+G and entering the ID of the required project or
    • b) by clicking on the link on the ID of the required project in any module (e.g. My Planning Objects)  
      • If the Dashboard module contains data, it is focused when the panel is opened, otherwise, the Project Core Data module is focused.

Access 2: Open the panel to create a new project As a result, the empty Project Core Data module is focused.

Modules of the panel