DI066454 Remaining effort

Remaining effort of the resource per scale grid, e.g. per month


  • The hour/currency value planned for the task resource is distributed among the individual days (or other periods of time, depending on the selected load profile). The individual daily values are subsequently displayed below the time scale summed up per scale grid, e.g. per month. In particular planning constellations there may be rounding differences between the total remaining effort value (window 2) and the values displayed below the time scale since in the first case the entire value is rounded while in the second case the subtotals per grid are rounded.
    • Example: If there is an effort of 4.4 h for January and an effort of 5.4 h for February, the total effort of 9.8h is displayed in the Remaining effort field in W2 rounded to 10h. Below the time scale, the rounded 4h for January and 5h for February are displayed, resulting in a total of 9h.
  • If the  Request/Approval function is activated for resource planning, a yellow traffic light is displayed on the field below the time scale as soon as the approval is exceeded; a red traffic light is displayed as soon as the approval limit is exceeded.