
  • All planning objects can be deleted in the corresponding core data modules if the user possesses the required rights. 


  • Click on the button in the header bar of the respective core data module (Project Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
  • As a result, the Delete module is opened in which the entire structure of the planning object is specified including its possible assignments to a portfolio or program. 
    • If this is the case, you could check the assignments and detach them or even decide to delete the planning object anway. However, you should be aware of the possible consequences.
  • In the case of a project structure, the Delete module also provides an option to delete subprojects only.


  • If there are status reports, actual postings, portfolio or program assignments for a planning object, a note is displayed in black, bold font below the corresponding planning object in the Delete module. The planning object can be deleted anyway.
  • If a planning object is used in a portfolio simulation or road map, a note is displayed in black, bold font below the corresponding planning object in the Delete module. The planning object cannot be deleted. 
  • If there are status reports of planning objects in program or portfolio status reports, such planning objects cannot be deleted. A message indicating this will be displayed. The programs and portfolios concerned are displayed under planning objects with their corresponding status reports.