(Time Recording in the Load Record with Comment / with Presence)

Video Tutorial


  • In the Time Recording module the logged-on user can
    • record his/her hours worked
    • record and send forecasts of remaining effort
    • delete recorded hours worked (make reverse postings)
Details sum area
  • In the top area of the module, two sum areas will be displayed
    • Presence
      • For each day for which presence is recorded, the summarized value per day is displayed below the time scale. Next to the heading, the summarized weekly or daily value is displayed (depending on the view). 
    • Hours worked
      • For each day of the defined period, the summed up number of recorded hours worked is displayed below the time scale. Next to the heading, the summarized weekly or daily value is displayed (depending on the view).
      • An additional traffic light is implemented here which indicates whether the hours worked exceed the presence (red), undercuts it (yellow), or whether the values of presence and hours worked are equal (no highlighting).
Details project area
  • The projects listed in the module are displayed in the following groups:
    • Time recording until the end of the week
      • Here, projects are displayed for which hours worked must only be recorded up to the last day of the current week.
    • Time recording also for future hours worked
      • Here, projects are displayed for which the recording of future hours worked is permitted, e.g. overhead projects.
    • My time recording favorites
      • Here, tasks are displayed with the respective projects which have previously been marked as favorites in one of the two groups mentioned above (Favorite star activated).
      • If tasks are listed in the My time recording favorites group, they are no longer displayed in the two groups mentioned above.
    • Non-postable objects (selected week)
      • In this group, tasks which have already been finished or locked or the projects of which have been set to "inactive" but have actual data in the selected week are displayed (with the respective projects). The display is important for the traceability of the data. For more information, see the entry under Caution.
  • In the module, only projects or tasks are displayed which
    • are not locked against the recording of hours worked 
    • are not finished 
    • are active
  • Tasks in which you have completed your work by activating the Completed checkbox will no longer be displayed in the module.
  • Exception: Non-postable objects (selected week) group. See above.
  • If the project on which you want to record hours is not displayed in the module or if you cannot add the project (see the following chapter), please contact your project management administrator.
Details on views
  • In the Time Recording module you can switch between a weekly view and a daily view.
    • To do so, click on the or on the button.
    • The weekly view will be displayed by default.
    • In daily view, today is displayed by default. If you go to another calendar week, Monday of the respective week will be displayed.

Record Own Hours Worked on Projects/Tasks in which One is Planned


  • If no hours worked have been recorded yet, only projects in which the employee is planned directly are displayed initially in the Time Recording module. If hours worked have already been recorded on further projects/tasks (see the following chapter) these projects will also be displayed every time the Time Recording module is opened again.


  • Extend the required project and task in the left window.
  • Click on the plus button in the line of the required task.
  • A new load record which is preset to today’s date by default will be inserted.
  • Enter the number of hours worked in the Actual field.
  • Enter a comment if required.
  • Save.
  • Enter hours and comments for all required days in the same way.

Scroll in the calendar

  • Via the arrow buttons next to the Today button or by selecting the respective calendar week in the date listbox you can scroll to other weeks.
  • This enables you to post actual hours to tasks which are not planned for the current week but which have been planned for previous weeks.
  • If an invoicing key date has been set you can scroll back beyond this day. A recording of hours before the invoicing key date, however, is not possible. If an employee attempts to record hours before the invoicing key date anyway, the Recording not possible: Date is earlier than key date. message will be displayed.

Record Hours Worked on Tasks for Which One is Not Planned But on Wwhich One has Worked


  • If an employee has worked on a task that they were not originally scheduled for, the activity does not automatically appear in the Time Recording module. In order to be able to book hours to this activity, the employee must first add the activity to the Time Recording module.
  • If the task is inserted, time recording is done as described in the previous chapter.

Record Hours Worked on Further Projects/Tasks


  • Click on the Add additional projects/tasks for time recording button.
    • The Add Projects and Tasks for Time Recording dialog module will be opened.
    • Select the required project and the required task from the corresponding listboxes and click on the Adopt button,
      • The selected project and the selected task will be inserted in the respective group of the Time Recording module. The recording of hours worked can be done as described above.

Insert Additional Tasks for Already Displayed Projects for Time Recording


  • Click on the context menu symbol next to the required project ID. 
  • Select the Add additional task option in the displayed context menu.
    • The Add Additional Projects and Tasks for Time Recording dialog module will be opened.
    • Select the required task by clicking on the corresponding checkbox. 
    • Click on the Assign selected objects button. 
      • The selected task is inserted in the corresponding project in the Time Recording module. The recording of hours worked can be done as described above.

Record Future Hours Worked (Vacation, Sickness, etc.)


  • The existence of projects for which the recording of future hours worked is permitted (in practice, these are mostly overhead cost projects) and the existence of the respective tasks (e.g. vacation) are a prerequisite for the recording of future hours.


  • Move to the week for which you want to record overhead costs by clicking on the arrow buttons.
  • In the Time recording also for future hours worked group, overhead cost projects are displayed with the corresponding tasks in which the resource of the logged-on user is planned.
  • The procedure for creating hours is equal to the procedure in the "Record Hours Worked to Projects/Tasks in Which One is Planned" .


  • If the resource of the employee is not directly planned in an overhead project but has permission to record time in this overhead project, the project is not immediately listed in the Time recording also for future hours worked group, but it must first be inserted in the time recording module via the Add Projects and Tasks for Time Recording module. For this purpose see the "Record Hours Worked to Further Projects/Tasks" section.

Send Forecasts of Remaining Effort


  • In case an employee notices upon completion of a task planned for him/her that the effort is higher than planned, he/she has the option to report them to the project manager responsible in the form of a remaining effort forecast.


  • Click on the Send forecast button in the header area of the Time Recording module.
  • The Send Forecast module will be opened.
  • Enter the estimated remaining effort in the Forecast field in the line of the required task and save.
  • Click the Send forecast button in the project line.
  • The Send Info module is opened, containing an automatically created message.
  • The message contains the following data: sender, actual values of the current week, remaining and forecast values as well as the expected completion date, in case it is filled.
    • The project manager of the project is automatically entered as the recipient.
  • Click on the Send button. The message is automatically sent to the recipient via e-mail.
    • Please take note of the requirements for e-mail dispatch in PLANTA project described in the topic of the Send Info module.


  • If in your system the "Adaptive Cards" function is activated and configured, the Send Info module is not opened after clicking on the button but instead, an Adaptive Card with your forecast will be sent to the project manager via e-mail.

Delete/Change Recorded Hours Worked (Reverse Postings)


  • Extend the required project and task in the left window.
  • Either correct the required hour values directly in the load record or delete them completely.
  • Save.


  • If a particular entry cannot be deleted or changed, this may be because another posting has already been transmitted to another system for accounting or that it has been exported to another system, etc., and that in your system the automatic reverse postings function, which is active by default, is completely deactivated or deactivated for particular cases. 
  • In such a case you have to cancel the concerned postings manually and make a new posting (reverse posting).

Mark Assigned Work as "Completed"


  • You can mark tasks in which you are planned as "completed”.
  • To do so, activate the Completed checkbox in the line of the required task.
  • If the checkbox is activated, the actual end date will be set for the own planning in the task in question (the task itself does not have to be finished if other resources are still working on it) and
    • the task will either disappear from the display in the module after it has been refreshed
    • or it will be moved to the Non-postable objects (selected week)


  • If you set the own planning for a particular task to Completed while there is still remaining effort, the remaining effort will be deleted in the next calculation of the schedule. 

Record Presence (Clock in/Clock out)


  • It is possible to record presence times (a type of attendance clock) as well as breaks, journeys, and overnight-stays in the Time Recording module if they are not imported from an external system.



  • The values recorded in the Presence module are subsequently summed up as a daily value in the Time Recording module directly below the time scale and as a week value next to the Present heading.
  • A traffic light is implemented on the values below the time scale which indicates that there are still incomplete entries in the Presence module. Incomplete means that it has been saved in the Presence module while in one of the entries either the Start or End field is still empty. For example:
    • If there is no complete entry in the Presence module at all, the value from Unit/period of the resource is copied and displayed in red below the time scale.
    • If there already are complete and incomplete entries in the Presence module, the summarized value of the complete entries is displayed below the time scale, however, it is colored red since there are other incomplete entries.
    • If all entries in the Presence module are complete, the summarized value of all entries is displayed below the time scale and is not colored red.


  • If the No period records found message is displayed when attempting to record presence times, please contact your PLANTA administrator.