
  • This topic provides detailed information on the working principles of rights management. It is especially intended for project management administrators who want to learn how to manage user rights.
  • A general introduction to the subject of user rights and an explanation on how users can find out which user rights they possess can be found here.


  • In PLANTA project, rights management takes place at two levels:
    • Rights management via role assignment. This provides a user with access rights to particular modules and menu items.
    • Rights management via user parameters. This determines which data a user is actually allowed to see in the modules provided to him/her and what he/she is allowed to do with this data.

Rights Management via Role Assignment

Roles and work areas

In PLANTA projectroles are grouping units which are used for rights management. A role gives the users to whom it is assigned access to one or more groups of modules and menu items. Such groups are called work areas.

A work area consists of at least one module or menu item, however, usually they are composed of several modules or module panels and/or menu items. There are pure module work areas and pure menu item work areas.  


  • Roles and work areas are created, adjusted and assigned to individual users by project management administrators.
    • For this purpose, project management administrators only need access to the modules in which they want to make the changes. No further authorization is needed. 
      • Roles and work areas are managed in the Roles and Work Areas modules.
      • The assignment of roles to users is carried out in the Users module.

Example for assignment

Example 1:Example 2:

User 1

  • Role 1
    • Menu item work area 1
      • Menu items a, b, c
  • Role 2
    • Work area 1
      • Module 1
      • Module 2
      • Module 3
    • Work area 2
      • Module 5
      • Module 6
  • Role 3
    • Work area 3
      • Modules ...
    • Work area 4
      • Modules ...
  • Role 4
    • Work area 5
      • Modules ...

User 2

  • Role 10
    • Menu item work area 20
      • Menu items x, y, z
  • Role 2
    • Work area 1
      • Module 1
      • Module 2
      • Module 3
    • Work area 2
      • Module 5
      • Module 6
  • Role 5
    • Work area 6
      • Modules ...


  • It is possible to structure roles via Drag&Drop copying.
    • Structuring can be used to increase clarity. It has no impact on access rights.

Example for structuring

  • User x
    • Role A
      • Work area 1
      • Work area 2
      • Work area 3
      • Work area 4

  • User x
    • Role A
      • Role B
        • Work area 1
        • Work area 2
      • Role C
        • Work area 3
        • Work area 4


  • Several predefined standard roles are included in the scope of supply of PLANTA project.
    • They can either be assigned to the users as they are or they can be adjusted individually.
    • If PLANTA demo data is installed, the standard roles can be opened via standard user. A list of standard users can be found here.

Rights Management via User Parameters

Access Rights for Planning Objects, Resources, Skills


  • The system must be able to control access to resources and planning objects at any time (ideas, proposals, projects, programs, and portfolios), e.g. to make sure
    • that a project manager only uses resources for his/her project which stem from his/her own department, or
    • that an employee from department A cannot see projects or information of department B.


  • If you have access to a particular planning object or to a resource, you automatically have read only access to this object. This means that you can see data of this object and select it in listboxes.
  • Whether you have read only access to objects or can edit or delete them as well (or even create new projects) is determined by additional parameters. For more information, see the Modification rights for planning objects and resources chapter.

Control Planning Object Access


  • How does the system know which planning objects a user is allowed to see?


  • This is achieved by using the cost center structure code.
    • Each planning object is assigned to a particular cost center.
    • A structure code is assigned to each cost center.
    • For each user it is specified to which cost center structure code he/she has access.
    • In all analyses and listboxes in which projects are selected it is checked whether the structure code which is stored on the user coincides with that of the project. From a data point of view this is solved via the @53 system variable as a filter criterion on the Cost center structure code field.


  1. Create required cost centers/organizational units in the Cost Centers module under PM Administration → Master Data → Costs and allocate a structure code for each cost center.
  2. Assign planning objects to cost centers To do so,
  3. Assign Cost Center Structure Codes to a User To do so,
    • Open PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources and open the Users module.
    • Enter the structure code of the cost center to the planning objects of which the user has access in the Project access field or enter the structure code area (by using wildcard *) in case the user has access to different cost centers.
      • An asterisk (*) means: all following sub-points of the item marked with the asterisk.

Examples for possible entries in the Project access field and their meaning

UsersValues in the Project access field Meaning
A01*User A can access the planning objects the cost center of which has the structure code that starts with 01.
B0112*User A can access the planning objects the cost center of which has the structure code that starts with 0112.
C*User C can access all planning objects.
Dblank:User D can access all planning objects.
EString which does not correspond to any valid structure code (e.g. x)User E cannot access any planning objects.

Control Resource/Skill Access


  • How does the system know which resources/skills are to be displayed/available for selection to the logged-on user?


  • This is achieved by using the resource/skill structure code.
    • Each resource /each skill receives its own structure code.
    • To each user the structure code to which he/she has access is assigned.
    • In all analyses and listboxes in which resources/skills are selected, all resources/skills are searched which possess the resource structure code/skill structure code to which the current user has access. From a data point of view this is solved via the @32 system variable as a filter criterion on the Resource structure code and Skill structure code field.


  1. Enter Structure Codes and Resources and Skills
  2. Assign structure codes to users
    • Open PM Administration → Master Data → Users, Roles, Resources and open the Users module.
    • Enter the structure code of the resource to which you want the required user to have access in the Resource access field, or enter the structure code area (by using wildcard *) in case you want the user to have access to several resources.
      • An asterisk (*) means: all following sub-points of the item marked with the asterisk.

Examples for possible entries in the Resource access field and their meaning

UsersValues in the Resource access field Meaning
A1User A can access all resources/skills the structure code of which is 1.
B1.1.2*User B can access all resources/skills the structure code of which starts with 1.1.2, e.g. also or
C*User C can access all resources/skills.
Dblank:User D can access all resources/skills.
EString which does not correspond to any valid structure code (e.g. x)User E cannot access any resources.


  • Since access to both resources and skills is currently controlled via the same parameter (Access to resources), you should make sure that the structure codes of resources and skills to which the user is to have access coincide.

Note for PLANTA Hybrid

  • The resource access defined in PLANTA project also takes effect when using PLANTA Hybrid. A user can, e.g., record hours worked in PLANTA pulse for resources which he/she can access in PLANTA project.

Department Manager


  • For controlling which department resources are displayed to the department manager in the modules of the department board:  My Department and Resource Planning, the Department parameter is used in addition to the Resource access parameter. In this parameter, the department for which the user assumes management rights (department rights) is stored.


  • The Department parameter does not necessarily have to be the department to which the user belongs. You can also enter a superordinate department if the user is to be responsible for all subordinate departments. In such a case, please make sure that the correct structure code is entered in the Resource access field, so that it does not contradict the entry made here and possibly restricts resource access.
    • The structure code of the department entered here has to be identical to the value in the Resource access field or the value in Resource access must imply the structure code of the department entered.
      • Example: If the structure code of the entered department is 1.4.1, the entry in Resource access must be 1.4.1, 1.4.1*, 1.4* or 1*.
  • For all users to whom the resource manager role is assigned it is mandatory to specify a department since otherwise the department board cannot be opened.

Read and Modification Rights for Planning Objects, Resources, Skills


Overview of modification rights

nameNecessary settingsRights
No manager rights Object rights = 0
not defined as Manager of the planning object
not defined as Stakeholder with modification rights

Read access to planning object data (except ideas and proposals) to which a user has access according to his/her access rights

Creation, editing, of ideas and proposals possible if one has access to the required modules For newly created ideas and proposals, the creating user is automatically entered as manager, so that he/she also receives rights for editing these objects. For this purpose, see the Idea manager and Proposal manager lines

Löschen von eigenen Ideen

(Main) project manager rights


Object rights = 0
defined as Manager of the (main) project
defined as Stakeholder with modification rights of the (main) project you can define

Alle Berechtigungen wie bei Keine Manager-Rechte und

Anlegen von Teilprojekten

Bearbeiten von eigenen (Haupt)Projekte und aller Teilprojekte der eigener (Haupt)Projekte

Subproject manager rights


Alle Berechtigungen wie bei Keine Manager-Rechte und

Bearbeiten von eigenen Teilprojekten

Program manager rights


Alle Berechtigungen wie bei Keine Manager-Rechte und

Bearbeiten von eigenen Programmen

Idea manager rights

Object rights = 0
defined as Manager of the idea

Alle Berechtigungen wie bei Keine Manager-Rechte und

Proposal manager rights


Object rights = 0
defined as Manager of the proposal
defined as Stakeholder with modification rights of the proposal
Alle Berechtigungen wie bei Keine Manager-Rechte und

Multi-project manager rights

Object rights = 1

Anlegen, Bearbeiten und Löschen von Ideen, Vorhaben, Teilprojekten, (Haupt)Projekten, Programmen und Ressourcen

If project administrators are to create resources, they also need these permissions.

Multi-portfolio manager rights

Object rights = 2

Anlegen, Bearbeiten und Löschen von (Haupt)Projekten, Teilprojekten, Ideen, Vorhaben, Programmen und Ressourcen

Create, edit, and delete portfolios

Portfolio manager rights

Object rights = 0
defined as Portfolio manager of the portfolio

Alle Berechtigungen wie bei Keine Manager-Rechte und

Bearbeiten und Löschen von eigenen Portfolios

Authorization for the Deletion of Postings


  • In PLANTA, postings or posting records are load records with actual data (actual hours, actual costs, and actual revenues).
  • For the user which is to be granted the right to delete load records, the Can delete actual postings checkbox must be activated in the Users module.


  • PLANTA expressly advises against the deletion of entire posting records. Instead, Reverse Postings should be recorded.
    • Reason:
      • The effect of the key date is levered out since records which have a date earlier than the key date can also be deleted.
      • The deletion of exported/imported posting records leads to inconsistencies between external system and PLANTA.
      • The deletion of posting records which have already undergone a scheduling has an impact on the calculation of remaining values.
        • Explanation: As soon as an actual load value has been recorded, the Remaining value on the resource assignment (DT466) is reduced accordingly.
          • If only the actual load value is deleted, scheduling will readjust (i.e. increase) the remaining value on the resource assignment (DT466).
          • If, on the other hand, the entire actual load record is deleted, the already reduced remaining value on the resource assignment (DT466) remains unchanged.
  • If actual load records are to be deleted anyway, remaining effort/remaining costs/remaining revenues and actual start date entries must be verified and possibly be corrected manually.

Customizer Rights

  • Customizer rights are allocated by activating the Customizer parameter in the Users moduleThese rights entitle the user to change customizing parameters or to even delete the entire module customizing to which he/she has access. This is the case regardless of whether the user has modification rights for project data.
  • Furthermore, users with customizer rights possess all modification rights at user level, regardless of other rights which may be defined for them.
    •  Via the functions of the customizer, a user with customizer rights can edit and delete any record (including entire planning objects).

Read all planning objects*Create ideasEdit own ideasCreate proposalsEdit own proposalsCreate (main) projectsEdit own (main) projectsCreate subprojectsEdit own subprojectsCreate programsEdit own programs


and edit resources

Delete ideas, proposals, projects, programs, and resourcesCreate portfoliosEdit portfoliosDelete portfolios
No manager rightsYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
(Main) project managerYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Subproject managerYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Program ManagerYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
Multi-project managerYesYesJa  / AlleYesJa / AlleYesJa / AlleYesJa / AlleYesJa / AlleYesYesNoNoNo
Multi-portfolio managerYesYesJa / AlleYesJa / AlleYesJa / AlleYesJa / AlleYesJa /AlleYesYesYesYesYes
Portfolio ManagersYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYes

* Lesen der Daten aller Planungsobjekte, für die man Leserechte besitzt und wenn man Zugriff auf die notwendigen Module besitzt

No manager rights(Main) project managerSubproject managerProgram managerIdea managerProposal managerPortfolio ManagersMulti-project managerMulti-portfolio manager
Read all planning objects*YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Create ideasYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Edit own ideasYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes / allYes / all
Create proposalsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Edit own proposalsYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes / allYes / all
Create (main) projectsNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
Edit own (main) projectsNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYes / allYes / all
Create subprojectsNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
Edit own subprojectsNoYesYesNoNoNoNoYes / allYes / all
Create programsNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
Edit own programsNoNoNoYesNoNoNoYes / allYes / all
Create and edit resourcesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
Delete ideas, proposals, projects, programs, and resourcesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesYes
Create portfoliosNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYes
Edit portfoliosNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoYes
Delete portfoliosNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoYes

Read all planning objects*Create ideasEdit own ideasCreate proposalsEdit own proposalsCreate (main) projectsEdit own (main) projectsCreate subprojectsEdit own subprojectsCreate programsEdit own programs


and edit resources

Delete ideas, proposals, projects, programs, and resourcesCreate portfoliosEdit portfoliosDelete portfolios
No manager rightsYesYesYesYesYes

(Main) project managerYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

Subproject managerYesYesYesYesYes


Program managerYesYesYesYesYes


Idea managerYesYesYesYesYes

Proposal managerYesYesYesYesYes

Multi-project managerYesYesYes / allYesYes / allYesYes / allYesYes / allYesYes / allYes

Multi-portfolio managerYesYesYes / allYesYes / allYesYes / allYesYes / allYesYes / allYesYesYesYesYes
Portfolio ManagersYesYesYesYesYes


* Read the data of all planning objects for which you have read rights and provided that you have access to the necessary modules