Access path
Menu → Administration → Integrations → Subscriptions
- Via the checkbox in the upper left of the table, all subscriptions can be selected and deleted, if needed.
- In a table, the PLANTA Hybrid subscriptions of the system are listed with the following information:
- ID
- Type
- Board ID
- Board
- Project
- Endpoint
- Added on
- By default, the subscriptions are sorted by their creation date, i.e. the newest subscriptions are displayed at the top.
- By clicking on the table headers, the table can be sorted by the individual criterion.
- The subscriptions can be filtered by entering search terms in the fields of the first row.
- Via the button on the right side of the table, subscriptions can be deleted.
Delete Subscription
- Menu → Administration → Integrations → Subscriptions
- Click .
- In the dialog box, click Delete.
- The subscription is deleted.
- No board member data or time recording data is synchronized from PLANTA pulse to PLANTA project for the related board anymore.
Delete All/Several Subscriptions
- Menu → Administration → Integrations → Subscriptions
- Activate the checkbox in the upper left of the table.
- All subscriptions are selected.
- If needed, individual subscriptions can be deselected by deactivating their checkboxes.
- Click Delete Selection.
- In the dialog box, click Delete.
- The selected subscriptions are deleted.
Menu → Administration → Integrations → OneDrive
This menu item is displayed only when OneDrive attachments on cards are activated.
- In a table, the OneDrive subscriptions of the system are listed with the following information:
- ID
- Status
- Attachments
- Resource
- Added on
- Expiration Date
- By default, the subscriptions are sorted by their creation date, i.e. the newest subscriptions are displayed at the top.
- By clicking on the table headers, the table can be sorted by the individual criterion.
- The subscriptions can be filtered by entering search terms in the fields of the first row.
- Via the button on the right side of the table, subscriptions can be deleted.
- The subscriptions are updated automatically after 20 days. If the update fails, the status is displayed accordingly.