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The customizer module provides functions for interacting with the customizing data of the system


FunctionParametersReturn ValueDescription
get_text_constant(_id, default=None)_id: ID of the text constant

default: default text to be returned in case the text constant could not be found
Returns a dictionary of language: text like {'DE': 'Hallo Welt', 'EN': 'Hello World'}Retrieves a text constant in all languages from PLANTA.
get_global_setting_value(python_id, attribute, value_type=None, default=None)python_id: Python ID of the global setting

attribute: attribute to be fetched ('class', 'alpha120', 'python_id', 'parameter', 'description', 'template_code', 'invisible')

value_type: type to cast the value to

default: default value to be returned in case the global setting could not be found
Returns the value of an attribute of a global settingRetrieves a global setting value from PLANTA.
get_listbox_ident_and_category_mapping(listbox_category, reverse=False)listbox_category: ID of the listbox category

reverse: whether or not to return the mapping in 'text: ident' format
Returns a mapping of ident: text for a list of listbox valuesGets a mapping of ident: text for a list of listbox values from PLANTA.
Title of the systemReturns the value of DI 025112 "Systembezeichnung" for the active license