PLANTA customizer APIs Current: interface - Enums interface - Enums Die nachfolgenden Inhalte sind nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar. This topic discusses the enums used in the PLANTA link API.Classes MappingTypeThe MappingType holds all possible types of mappings that exist.The value is stored in Mapping-Element-Typ UNDEFINED is a special value for identifying corrupt mappings that were somehow created without a mapping typeStatic variables VariableMappingType.UNDEFINEDMappingType.SOURCEMappingType.POOLMappingType.TARGETMappingType.ENRICHERMappingType.CONVERTERMappingType.VALIDATORPLANTALogLevelThe PLANTALogLevel holds all the log levels a PLANTA link interface can be set toThe value is stored in Log-Level NOTSET is a special value for identifying corrupt interfaces that were somehow created without a log levelStatic variables VariablePLANTALogLevel.DEBUGPLANTALogLevel.INFOPLANTALogLevel.WARNINGPLANTALogLevel.ERRORPLANTALogLevel.NOTSETPLANTALogTypeThe PLANTALogType holds all the different types of logging PLANTA link offersThe value is stored in Log-Typ NOTSET is a special value for identifying corrupt interfaces that were somehow created without a log typeSTREAM_LOGGING is not accessible from the GUI, as it is only used internally for the RegtestConfig classStatic variables VariablePLANTALogType.PLANTA_LOGGINGPLANTALogType.FILE_LOGGINGPLANTALogType.NOTSETPLANTALogType.STREAM_LOGGINGTransferStateThe TransferState holds the different states a pool record can be inThe value is stored in the "status" data item of a pool table563: Status 566: Status 567: Status 964: Status Static variables VariableTransferState.TRANSFER_PENDINGTransferState.TRANSFER_FAILEDTransferState.TRANSFER_SUCCESSFULUrlFilterTypeThe UrlFilterType holds the different types of filters that can be applied from a url in a web interfaceThe value is stored in Filtertyp Static variables VariableUrlFilterType.EQUALSUrlFilterType.UNEQUALS ×