PLANTA customizer Customizing Modules Current: Overview of all Previous Runs MOD009BXV Overview of all Previous Runs MOD009BXV AccessCustomizer → Migration → Migration Packets panel → Click on the link on the migration packet name in the respective migration packets module InformationThis module is a kind of data sheet of the respective migration packet and provides the following options:Results of the migration runs can be checkedA migration packet can be run (again).A migration packet can be marked as completedVia the link on the Logfile field, the logfile of a run can be openedDescription InformationThe Description field containsa description of the changes that the migration packet carries out.(possibly) notes, if the migration packet no longer exists in the specified directory but is still available in the database.Packet Parameter This area contains the following information:Python path: path under which the migration packet can be found in the file systemComment: Optional commentsAt system start: Setting whether the migration packet is run upon system start.Completed: Setting whether the migration packet is to be marked as completed. This can be changed manually.Dependencies InformationRelevant from DB shows the minimum database version required for carrying out this migration packet.up to DB shows the maximum database version required for carrying out this migration packet.Current DB version shows the database changeset which is used in the system.A migration packet can only be run if the data base changeset used lies between Minimum database version and Maximum database version.If this is not the case, the migration packet will be classified as not relevant and will be displayed in the Irrelevant Packets module.The frame color of the fields indicates whether the dependencies are satisfied (green frame) or not satisfied (red frame).Database management system shows whether the packet is dependent on a database management system.In the Packet dependencies subarea, packets (with the expected status) are listed, on which the opened packet depends.If the opened packet has a dependency on a packet which was not imported, there is a message in the status line.Logfiles InformationNext to the status of the migration packet, the logfile contains information onprevious runspossible errors when running the migration packet CautionAfter carrying out the migration packets in the system, the server or the server service must be restarted and the migration results must be checked. See also: Migration Procedure, Migration Packet Customizing ×