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PLANTA Scheduling API Reference

  • The scheduling functionality is accessible using the module scheduling.
  • For use just do import scheduling in code that is to be run by PLANTA Server.


Enum NameEnum ValueComment
CAPACITY_SCHEDULING0capacity scheduling
UNLOAD_SCHEDULING1unload project
TIME_SCHEDULING2time scheduling

Scheduling Convenience Functions

  • All of the following functions take either
  1. (technical) project id arguments, e.g. scheduling.unload('4711', '4811'), or
  2. an iterable of technical project ids, e.g. scheduling.unload(['4711', '4811'])
  • They return nothing (None)
  • Projects that cannot be found are silently skipped!
Function NameComment
unload()Unload the given projects
reschedule()Do a rescheduling on the given projects
schedule_capacity()Capacity scheduling
schedule_time()Pure time based scheduling

Internal Scheduling Functionality

Function NameParameter DescriptionComment
schedule(seq, sched_action, rescheduling)seq: iterable (technical project ids)
sched_action: see SchedulingType
rescheduling: boolean
For internal use only

Effort Distribution

Function NameParameter DescriptionComment
distribute_effort(seq)seq: iterable containing dtp records from table 801For internal use only


Simulation class

The Simulation class adds a bit of syntactic sugar to the simulation API as it provides indirect access to the simulation API and automatically clears the simulation on __exit__.

MethodParameter(s)Return ValueComment
add_relation()project: project uuid
activity1: predecessor uuid
activity2: successor uuid
noneadd relation to simulation environment
remove_relation()project: project uuid
activity1: predecessor uuid
activity2: successor uuid
noneremove relation from the simulation environment

Direct usage of the simulation API is also possible.

Function NameParameter DescriptionComment
simulation_add_relation(project, activity1, activity2)project: project uuid
activity1: predecessor uuid
activity2: successor uuid
add relation to simulation environment
simulation_remove_relation(project, activity1, activity2)project: project uuid
activity1: predecessor uuid
activity2: successor uuid
remove relation from simulation environment
clear simulation environment

Cycle Check

Function NameParameter DescriptionComment
project_has_cycle(project)project: project uuidreturns true if project contains cycle, false otherwise (respects simulation environment)
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