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  • To prevent that Client settings be changed by the user, an option for adding and checking Windows registry keys was added.
  • A user with administrator rights can create and edit keys himself or use files for adding registry keys from the Client folder (AddConfigPathValue.reg).
  • The registry key can be created for one user or for all users of the current computer.
  • The registry key should contain a value which contains the path to the config file with client settings.
  • If this key exists in the registry, it will be used exclusively. All other options for Client settings will be disabled (such as the .ini file and command line arguments).

AddConfigPathValue.reg example

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
config1 = "Enter path to config file here (use \\ instead of \ in file path string)"
config2 = "Enter path to config file here (use \\ instead of \ in file path string)"
;config_path = "Enter path to config file here (use \\ instead of \ in file path string)"


  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER - registry key for current user
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - registry key for all users on local machine
  • \SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\planta\ - name of a key. Should be changed according to the current Client version.
  • "ID of the Configuration" - registry key value which contains the path to the configuration file


  • If there are one or more entries in the registry for the client, a dialog message will be displayed when starting the client, asking you to choose the required configuration, unless the config parameter is defined in the client link.
  • As soon as client registry settings have been defined, settings in the client link (e.g. another server or activating the logging) will be ignored.
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