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Customize Buttons

Embed Buttons

A context menu entry is embedded in the required data area as a data field DI004336 Button/IronPython. The following parameters with the respective settings are required for buttons:

DF behaviorDefines which object type is to be addressed via the button:
  • c2: Menu item
  • c4: Module/Macro
  • c5: Module subclass
Action IDDefines which object is to be addressed via the button:

Depending on the DF behavior:

  • Module ID
  • Menu item ID
  • Macro ID
  • Method name from the module subclass

TooltipHere the text is entered which is displayed in the tooltip when moving the mouse over the link.

The entry can be a text and (or) variables.

DF height

DF width

Height and width of the button
Symbol ID
The ID of the symbol. Symbols define the settings of the button: color, font
In the standard system, the symbol with ID 001304 is used.

If no symbol is assigned to a button, the symbol assigned to DI004336 in data item DI004336 Button/IronPython in DT400 will be used.

DF headingName of the button

If no DF heading is specified, the name of the corresponding object is displayed (module, macro, etc.).

@L variable
Default values

Here you can store an OLE which will be displayed on the button. For this purpose, enter the DBOLE prefix and the number of the OLE object in brackets.

Store Shortcuts on Buttons


  • It is possible to define key combinations for buttons.


  • Enter the letter which is to be contained in the key combination in the Hotkey parameter in the respective data field in the data area in which the button was included. 
  • Save.
  • In the user module, the button function can be called using the "ALT+letter" key combination. 

Button areas


  • Buttons cannot only be incorporated in a data area, they can also be customized in a separate data area (button area).
  • In this case, the data area consists only of buttons.
  • In the course of this, the following parameters are to be set in the data area:

To Be Considered When Embedding Buttons


  • In PLANTA project, there are various modules in which records of a particular area are inserted and created via buttons (e.g. the New button in the Persons (009A3Q) module) in addition to the menu item and context menu.
  • If creation and insertion are to be blocked for the data area referenced by the button, the above mentioned button must be deleted or hidden in addition to the deactivation of the Creation and Insertion parameters.
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