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Customize Modules with Groupings

What is a grouping?

  • Records of a data table are grouped by an attribute.
  • Data items which occur multiple times with the same value are grouped.


  • A simple grouping consists of a data area by which is grouped and a data area which is grouped. Both are connected by Pos. and Parent area.
  • Both data areas must reference the same data table.
Grouping area (area by which is grouped)
  • As determining data item it contains the data item by which is grouped in the DDI data field.
  • The Group checkbox is activated.
  • The data item by which is grouped can but does not have to be assigned as a data field.
Area which is grouped (contains the data which is grouped)
  • Contains at least the data item which is grouped.
  • In the module assignment, the grouped area must refer to the area by which it is grouped via the Parent area parameter.
  • In this area, filter criteria are set.

Customizing example

  • Create a module with a data area by which you want to group and which is structured as follows:
    • DDI = DI001062 Manager
    • Fields:
      • DI001062 Manager
    • Activate the Group checkbox for the data area.
  • Create another data area which is grouped and structured as follows:
    • DDI = 001001 Project
    • Fields:
      • 000690 Project name
      • 001001 Project
      • 001052 Main project
      • 001062 Manager
  • Insert a macro that filters.
  • Assign the new data area to the module.
  • Structure both data areas:
    • Subordinate the Project to the Project manager data area.
  • Save.
To learn how to create modules, insert macros, and structure data areas, please refer to the Module Tutorial

Application example

Module: Projects by Project Manager

  • Module structure:
    • Data area 1: Manager. Shows managers by whom is grouped.
      • Data area 2: Project. Shows projects which are grouped under the respective manager.
  • Result:
    • Manager: Mueller
      • PR1
      • PR2
      • PR4
    • Manager: Maier
      • PR3
      • PR5


  • If there are traffic light DIs in a grouping area (also bars with traffic light function), their child DIs need to be included in the data area as well, otherwise the traffic light does not work.
  • The groups in a grouping are created during filtering and are therefore not altered when the grouped values are changed.
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