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Define Types of the Data Fields


  • In module customizing you can define for each data field how a data field is to behave in a user module or as what kind of field type it should act as, e.g. input field, checkbox, traffic light field, etc.
  • Some field types are only defined by a single customizing parameter, others, however, are defined by a combination of multiple parameters. 
  • Below you will find a list of the field types found in the application with specification of the necessary settings in module customizing so that a data field appears as the respective type on the interface. 
  • Information on the use application of different field types, please refer to the Introduction and Program Operation help area.

Field Type
Only possible with DI type
Required parameter settings
ID data field

Primary key data item 

(data item with Column type = UUID)

Input data field
DF behavior = i
Output data field
DF behavior = o
Link Data Field

DF behavior = e2/e4/e5

Action ID = ID of a module, macro, menu item or a method name from the module subclass or a variable for the respective object 

See also: Customize Link, Button, Context Menu, etc.

Listbox data field

DF behavior = le/li

LBMOD = ID of a listbox module

Input only via list box = (optional)

See alsoCustomize Listbox

Date listbox data fieldData item with Column type = date

DF behavior = cc

Data field configuration = paste one of the cc templates or write a definition

See alsoCustomize Date Listboxes with Calendar Function
Checkbox data fieldData item with Column type = Yes/NoDF behavior = i2/o2
Mandatory data fields

DF behavior = i or li 

Mandatory = 

  • The Mandatory function can be applied to all fields that do not accept an empty value or zero, since space or zero do not count as entry.
  • Using it for checkbox fields is not reasonable since here a check only takes place for activated checkboxes.
  • Key data fields (Idents) do not have to be set to Mandatory since they are automatically mandatory entries so that, according to the data base rules, the record becomes valid.
  • The mandatory function has no effect on date data fields. It is possible to save even if such a data field is blank. However, it can be queried using another DI.
Traffic light data field

DF behavior = o

Traffic light DI = ID of a traffic light data item

See also: Customize Traffic Light DI
Continuous text data fieldsData item with Column type = CLOB

DF behavior = i or mi/mo

Multiline =   (optional)

The  Multiline parameter determines whether line breaks are possible in the continuous text data fields.
Hyperlink data field

Data item with Column type

HL: File in the DB or

HL: Local file or 

HL: Linked file

DF behavior = h/ho

If the Output parameter is activated on the data area that contains the hyperlink or if the make_output() Python function is used, the hyperlink behaves as if it had ho DF behavior.

Browser Control data field

DF behavior = we

You have to use the button DI 004336 for this data field type.

Adaptive Card Designer data feld

DF behaviorad

You have to use the button DI 004336 for this data field type.

Application Link data field

DF behavior = al

You have to use the button DI 004336 for this data field type.

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