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Performance History Analysis MOD001251


  • Customizer → Performance → Performance History Analysis


  • In this module, the performance counting can be switched on and off.
  • The evaluation of the collected data from the performance history for each user can be viewed here.
  • For further information on handling or on further options for activating the performance history evaluation, see Performance Counting.

Start/stop performance counting

  • Via the Performance counting: DEACTIVATED/ACTIVATED, performance counting can be started and stopped for all users in the system.

View performance history per user

  • Select the required resource from the listbox on the User field.
  • Extend the tree structure.
  • By right-clicking on the user record and selecting the Delete statistics command, the statistic of the selected user can be deleted.
  • In order to delete all existing statistics, click on the Delete all statistics button.
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