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List Variables MOD003154




  • The module is subdivided into the Individual variables and Standard variables areas.
    • In the area headings, the number ranges which are used for these variables are specified.
  • The name of the list variable is based on the use in filtering. The purpose of this is to assist with differentiation in customizing.
  • Selected records from a list can be used as a search criterion in a subsequent module.

Create list variables

  • Right-click to insert an empty record via Insert → Individual Variable or Insert → Standard variable
  • Enter the variable number in the List variable data field.
    • If the variable in question is a list variable, the number must lie within the individual number range > 1000.
    • For PLANTA standard variables, the number range 1-999 is reserved.
  • Describe the function of the global variable in the Comment data field.
  • Possibly define the search behavior of the variable.
  • Save.


  • Newly created variables only become effective after the software has been restarted.
See also: Information on Variables
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