DB Update / ICOU → Configuration → Conflicts → Position Conflicts
In this module, an overview of all data areas in which there are conflicts due to position changes is displayed.
For this purpose, programmatic suggestions on position orders, in which PLANTA Standard adjustments are merged with customer-individual adjustments, are made automatically. These suggestions can either be applied or discarded.
In the header area of the module there are the buttons via which the (marked) conflict solutions can be applied.
In the main area, all data areas in which position conflicts were found are listed. When expanding the respective area, all data items of the data area are listed by four statuses:
Reference order: Order of the data items in the reference system, i.e. in the PLANTA Standard system with the state of the system currently used by the customer.
Individual order: Order of the data items according to the individual changes made to the customer’s system.
PLANTA order: Order of the data items in the new PLANTA Standard system (PLANTA system to which the customer is about to update).
Recommended order: The order suggested by the program.
The same DI will be highlighted by the same color in all four planning statuses, so that position changes can quickly be assessed visually. New data items are not highlighted in color, so that they can also be identified quickly.
At the lower end of the respective area, modules to which the respective data area is assigned and work areas to which the respective modules are assigned are listed.
Look at changes.
Decide, whether the suggested solutions are to be applied or not. Here, you can proceed in the following ways:
either per data area
To do so, you have to use the two buttons above the Recommended order column: and .
If you want to use the suggested order for the data area, click on the button.
If you want to discard the suggested order, click on the button.
or for several data areas at once
for this purpose, mark the required data areas and click on the Apply marked conflict solutions
or for all data areas at once
to do so, click on the Apply conflict solutions to this table button.
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