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Edit Card MOD009DPF


  • Customizer → Layout Objects → Adaptive Card Templates → Click on Edit template → Edit Template → Click on Generate card → Edit Card
  • Customizer → Layout Objects → Adaptive Card Templates → Click on the link in the Pending cards field → Pending Cards → Click on the Edit card button → Edit Card
  • Customizer → Layout Objects → Adaptive Card Templates → Click on the link in the Archived Cards field → Archived Cards → Click on the Edit card button → Edit Card


  • This module allows you to create a card manually or to edit a generated card (depending on the call).
    • The Recipient, Archived and Parameter parameters can be edited/changed.
    • The Generated card and Data fields can indeed be adapted (and alter the preview), however, they are overwritten during the next update.


  • Send card: Sends the current content of the Generated card field via e-mail to the defined recipient.

See also: Adaptive Card Customizer

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