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Listbox Values (old) MOD000596


  • Customizer → Master Data → Listbox Values → Listbox Values (old)


  • In this module, listbox categories and their values that have been created in older PLANTA project releases are managed. All newer listbox categories are entered and managed in the Listbox Values module.
    • Listbox categories are required for data items the values of which do not exist as independent records.

Create a New Listbox Category

  • This is only permitted in the Listbox Values module.

Create New Listbox Values

  • Select the required listbox category from the listbox in the Listbox category field.
  • Insert a new line by right-clicking and selecting Insert → Listbox values.
  • Depending on the type of the values to be displayed, the respective fields must be filled.

Create New Listbox Values

  • Select a listbox category from the listbox.
  • Insert a new line by right-clicking and selecting Insert → Listbox values.
  • Write a comment in the Listbox value field.
  • ID of the listbox value is generated automatically.
  • You can go ahead and fill other fields if required.
  • Save.

Delete Listbox Category

  • Select the required listbox category from the listbox in the Listbox category field.
  • Mark the category with CTRL + click.
  • Click on the Delete button.

Delete listbox values

  • Select the required listbox category from the listbox in the Listbox category field.
  • Mark the requested data area using CTRL + click.
  • Click on the Delete button.
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