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Object Use MOD009BKE


  • Customizer → Module Customizer → Object Use


  • The module serves to find objects in PLANTA project.
  • Here, it is possible to check the use of an object within the supported object types or another arbitrary string without further definitions.
  • If an object type is selected, the module uses predefined regular expressions to restrict the filter results to the object type. This is used to differentiate between object IDs (e.g. data items and data areas) that both have the same field length.


  • A search for 001001 with Data item object type checks the use of DI001001
  • A search for 001001 with Data area object type checks the use of 001001 as a data area ID


  • The module is a central board for checking the use of objects of different types.
  • It can, however, also be opened from the context menu of individual user modules in order to carry out a use check directly for a specific object.
  • Hence, you can, e.g., check the use of a particular data area or data item from the Data Areas or Data Items module directly via the Check use entry in the context menu.
  • The Object Use module is then opened with the respective data.

Checkable object types:

  • data item
    • Checks the use of the DI number with prefixed "DI"
    • Furthermore checks the use of the corresponding Python ID of the data item
  • Data area
  • Module
    • Checks both the corresponding work areas (in which the module occurs) and menu items as well as user and roles with startup macros.
  • Color
  • Symbol
  • Effect
  • Format
  • String (checks for an object type without restrictions, e.g. in order to search for Python functions or non-predefined object types)

Place of use

  • In order to check more specifically, the place of use to be searched can be restricted. Besides the Total option which checks all places of use, the following places of use can be selected:
    • Python files
      • Checks the .py files in the ppms directory of the server, e.g. module subclasses (the "System" directory and the source code of Python itself are excluded).
      • The check is carried out line by line by the "re" Python module. In the search here you can therefore also use regular expressions.
    • Python macros
      • Checks Python macros in modules as well as value ranges.
      • Checks the IronPython script, the DF configuration as well as process rules.
      • The check is carried out analogously to the Python file check (see above).
    • SQL Statements
    • Database objects
      • Checks all views, materialized views, triggers, procedures, functions, and sequences in the database.
        • The check of views is currently deactivated since the Hibernate database abstraction layer does not yet permit access here.
    • Customizing
      • Checks the use of an object in data field and data area customizing and subsequently traces it in the object structure (e.g. color -> symbol -> data field -> data area, etc.)
      • Checks the assignment of the object to a parent object in PLANTA, e.g. data area -> module.
      • Here, the check is carried out recursively up to the highest object in the structure, starting from the search object.
      • Checks the use in exits as well.

Button (in the module mask)

  • In the Object/search string field, the ID of the object to be searched for is entered.
  • In the Object type field, its object type must be specified.
  • In the Place of use field, the place of use to be searched is selected.
  • Via the Check use button, the search run is started.

Buttons (in search results)

  • They can be opened via the links of the object IDs.
  • Objects which are checkable themselves can be checked on their own use via the Check use button.
    • For this purpose select the place of use to be checked in the dialog box which is opened.
    • The object type is determined independently on the basis of the selected object.
    • Now the module restarts with the new filter criteria.

Context menu commands (in search results)

  • The Object Use - Work Area module is opened via the Show work area context menu entry in the search results in the required module or via the Show work area button in the respective module line.
  • If several records are marked, the context menu and the button apply to all marked records.
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