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User Menu


  • The user menu is a module which is displayed on the left hand side of the screen by default and contains the following elements:
    • Links to the module panels with editing or view modules The links in the user menu are not merely listed one below the other but grouped by work areas which are again grouped by roles. In PLANTA, work areas and roles are so-called grouping units. Which roles and work areas a user menu contains depends on the rights of the logged-on user.
    • Direct links to the panels of the recently viewed planning objects (projects, programs, proposals, or ideas) and planning objects marked as favorites by the user.
    • Name of the logged on user.
  • The user menu window is floating by default, however, it can be pinned by clicking on the pin symbol in the upper right corner of the user menu if necessary.
  • The user menu can be repositioned within the panel if required. For further information, see the Panel topic.

Details on the Recently viewed and Favorites areas

  • Recently viewed: Here, the last planning objects opened by the logged-on user are listed. The number of listed planning objects is variable and can be defined by the PM administrator in the global project settings. The number of planning objects is limited to 10 by default.
  • Favorites: Favorites are all planning objects that are marked with a yellow star
    • A planning object can be marked as a favorite by clicking on the blue star (which will then turn yellow). 
      • either directly below Recently viewed
      • or in the corresponding core data module
    • A planning object is not displayed in both areas at the same time, i.e., if a planning object is opened and marked as a favorite, it is only displayed in the Favorites area.

Particularities of the web client

  • The user menu is pinned at the left-hand side of the screen in the web client. When folded, the user menu will show an individual symbol for each role available to the user.
  • By clicking on the menu symbol above the user menu or by clicking on a role symbol in the user menu, the user menu will be folded/unfolded.
    • When unfolded, the role name is displayed next to the role symbol. No favorites or recently viewed planning objects will be displayed.
    • When double-clicking on an entry in the user menu, the lower levels will be folded/unfolded.
  • When the cursor is moved above the PLANTA logo at the lower margin of the user menu, a tooltip will be displayed which shows the web client version.
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