You can open the context menu via the right mouse button.
In modules with tabular views, the context menu can also be opened via the / icon if actions other than Edit, (Un)mark, Show are allowed.
By default, the icon is always displayed on the first field of the record.
The icon is colored blue if there are individual context menu commands in addition to the default commands.
Depending on the record, the following commands will be available:
Insert: Insert records
Display: Show or hide files
Individual context menu commands: Start actions, e.g. opening modules or macros.
Edit: Standard editing functions for the activated data field:
Which of these functions are (de)activated depends on whether the fields in question are input or output fields.
Mark all: Marks the field content
This command is only available in the context menu for input fields.
(Un)mark: Marking or unmarking of the record on which the context menu command was executed.
Delete: Deletion of a record on which the context menu was opened or deletion of marked records.
If you open the context menu on module tabs, you have several options for closing modules/panels.
The standard editing functions and (Un)Mark are programmed functions. All other functions can be realized via customizing.