DT569 System condition
DI063626 Check class
Here, a system check category is entered.
- In its standard system, PLANTA provides some already predefined check categories. For this purpose, see (39.5.17-en) Interface Library#CheckClasses.
- Furthermore, individual check classes can be created. For more information on this, see Customize Individual System Check Class.
The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:
DI063640 Current value
Here, the value of the current system is displayed. It is checked against the expected value (compared to the expected value).
The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:
DI063639 Expected value
Here, the expected value is entered/displayed. It is checked against the current value (compared to the current value).
The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:
DI063642 Condition is fulfilled
Marks whether the condition is fulfilled, i.e. whether the expected value matches the current value.
- Only if Condition is fulfilled = Expected is set for all check classes of a system, the system is marked as an active system.
The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights:
DI063641 Expected
Here, you can define what the expected result is, i.e. whether the condition is to be fulfilled or not. This parameter enables the user to negate the fulfillment of the condition and hence define the negative check result as expected result.
- Only if Condition is fulfilled = Expected is set for all check classes of a system, the system is marked as an active system.
The parameter can be edited in the following module by users with modification rights: