In this module, web interfaces are configured and created.
A web interface defines the endpoint at which you can interact with PLANTA.
You can store an implementation and a web entity for each method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE).
The implementation defines the behavior of the interface when it is opened.
The web entity describes the data with which the interface interacts.
Via the Edit web entities command in the context menu of an entity, all web interfaces which have been configured with this entity are opened in the Web Entities module for editing.
Via the View log button you can open the Requests module with the logging of the web interface.
To be able to use web interfaces you have to activate and configure the PLANTA link webservices in the web.conf:
generic_service = true
generic_service_interface and generic_service_port contain meaningful data
If you have not activated the webservices, the buttons for carrying out different actions which require webservices will not be displayed.
Web interfaces use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as an address by default. If the FQDN is not available, the host name of the machine will be used. If the host name is not available either, the IP of the machine will be used. An explicit host name can be defined using the global planta_link_hostname setting.
All fields in the web interface modules are case sensitive (observe upper/lower case spelling)!