Information about PLANTA link, the add-on for interfaces to PLANTA project
Introduction to PLANTA link and Interfaces
General information on PLANTA link and interfaces
Interface Configuration
Information on the configuration of interfaces
Interface Administration
Information The Interface Administration work area in the menu of the PLANTA link role lists several modules which can be used to manage the interfaces. Pend...
Special Interface Functions
Information The Special Interface Functions in the menu of the PLANTA link role lists several modules which provide different special interface funtions. Gen...
Interface Customizing
Instructions and examples for the customizing of interfaces
Interface Library
Overview of the functions available in interfaces
Web Interfaces
All information on web interfaces (implementation, configuration, logging, etc.)
Interface Tutorials
Interactive tutorials for the customizing of interfaces and web interfaces
PLANTA project Standard Integrations
Information on the integration of PLANTA project with other systems like, e.g., PLANTA pulse or Jira
Knowledge Base
Additional help topics like Glossary, FAQ
Release Notes
Release notes for PLANTA link from 39.5.17