Additional Standard Interfaces
Standard Interfaces for Files
Conversion factor import
- This interface imports conversion factor positions from a CSV file and can create new ones or update existing ones if the Valid from date is included.
Import of Absence
- This interface serves to import absence data of the employees to PLANTA project.
Load Import
- This interface serves to import hours or costs from a CSV file to PLANTA.
What does this interface do?
- There is a mapping which consists of two steps.
- In the first step, the data is transferred from a CSV file to the load pool table (DT563).
- In the second step, the data is written in the source table (DT472).
- This mapping has been designed especially for load import since the transferred records are stamped in the target table DT472 (in the field DI060750 SAP status and additionally in the fields DI063670 Imported on and DI063672 Imported by).
- In order to see which values have already been exported, PLANTA recommends that you include the SAP status data field in the mapping.
- This way you can make sure that the load cannot be changed anymore after export (except for deletion).
Load Export
- This template serves to export hours or costs from PLANTA into a CSV file.
What does this interface do?
- There is a mapping which consists of two steps.
- In the first step, the data is transferred from the source table (DT472) to the load pool table (DT563).
- This mapping has been designed especially for load export since the transferred records are stamped in the source table DT472 (in the field DI060750 SAP status and additionally in the fields DI003399 Exported on and DI003402 Exported by).
- This way you can make sure that the load cannot be changed anymore after export (except for deletion) and that data which has already been transferred cannot be transferred again.
- The Position (Item) field (DI001400 aus DT472) must necessarily be available when loads are exported so that the source record can be stamped.
- In the second step, the data is written into a CSV file.
I want to have fewer fields displayed in the file but I want them to remain available in the pool table.
- The mapping can be adjusted as desired. To get an idea, take a look at the item branch on the right hand side which only consists of two mapping objects, SOURCE and POOL.
- If you leave out the target, no columns will be passed on to the file.
In the external system I always book to the same cost center. How can I have this mapped in the interface?
- For this purpose, add a new mapping element between POOL and TARGET in the Cost center branch.
- The mapping element is of the ENRICHER type and receives
as an object - Via the Edit parameters button you can enter the required cost center in the Value field.
Project Import and Main Project Export
- The Project import interface imports the data from a CSV module into the pool (data table 567 Project pool) and from there to the PLANTA project data table DT461. The project import interface allows you to import structured projects.
- The main project export interface now exports the data of the main projects. Requirement: the logged-on user has access rights to the main project to be exported (controlled via the cost center structure code).
- The project pool data table contains all (real) data items from DT461, and the respective pool module contains all data fields from the pool data table.
- The project import interface accesses the functional ID of the projects but converts it to the technical ID subsequently.
- Both interfaces use the new MtsProjectModule subclass.
- This template serves to import liability data to DT281 Project/year/CTGr and DT282 Project/year/CTGr.
The liability import has the following peculiarities:
- Upon data import, all liability values are cleared, i.e. the following DIs are set to 0 system-wide.
DI060503 Liability from DT282 (liability value of the project in the selected year for the selected cost type group or for all cost type groups)
DI060189 Liability from DT281 (liability values of the project for the selected cost type group or for all cost type groups without considering its subprojects)
- The pool records which are imported by the interface are marked with a liability flag.
- Upon import, all pool records which are flagged as liability and have not yet been transferred are deleted. Values which have already been transferred remain in the pool for archiving.
- If all yearly tranches have been imported correctly, the following DIs are stamped:
DI064672 Date of last liability import
DI064673 Time of last liability import
Employee Import
- The employee import serves to fill or update all employee tables in the PLANTA system:
- DT516 Person
- DT511 User
- DT526 Person resource
- DT467 Resource
- DT518 Role
- DT525 Stakeholder
- The idea is that employees are loaded to the employee data pool table DT566 Employee pool from a CSV file.
- Here, the records can be adjusted afterwards.
- In a second step, the data is transferred from the pool to the above mentioned table.
- In order for the transfer to work, you have to fill at least the Code (code) with the user code.
- Upon transfer from the pool to the PLANTA data table, it is first checked on the basis of the code whether the persons with the corresponding code already exist in the system. This is done in DT516.
- If person in DT516 corresponds to the code, a new person with a new person ID is created and the corresponding code from the pool is assigned. Subsequently, the code and other data to be imported is adopted in DT516 and other data tables.
- DT525: A stakeholder is only created if the Create stakeholder (create_stakeholder) checkbox is activated.
- DT518: By default, the user receives the roles that are stored in the global settings default_roles.
- If persons already exist for searched codes in DT516, only the data that exists in PLANTA for these persons is updated with the data to be imported.
- If person in DT516 corresponds to the code, a new person with a new person ID is created and the corresponding code from the pool is assigned. Subsequently, the code and other data to be imported is adopted in DT516 and other data tables.
- If the employee import is adjusted individually, you have to make sure that the Parent Resource (parent_res_id) is not the last field to be changed.
- Non-compliance with this rule leads to import errors. Reason: the parent resource has a value range which saves. If no further field is adjusted afterwards, there is nothing to be saved by SST and a message is displayed indicating that the record cannot save.
Import of German Holidays
- This interface is used to import the official holidays for German federal states from a web service to the PLANTA calendar.
- For this procedure PLANTA uses the web service.
- Holidays are imported per federal state since they differ from state to state.
- A peculiarity is the import of holidays for the federal state of Bavaria. Since in this federal state there is a holiday which only applies to the city of Augsburg, a query whether this holiday is to be included when importing into the calendar has been implemented in the import.
- If the transfer fails due to SSL certificate problems, validation can be turned off via the global Deactivate SSL validation parameter in order to enable the import of holidays anyway.
LDAP Import of Persons from Active Directory
- The LDAP Import interface (613df20b-075f-df4e-8031-e13b21411d9e) serves to import person data from an Active Directory into PLANTA.
- The interface contains a source, pool, and target module and the mappings, as well as validators which ensure that during an update of existing data only the data from the AD is updated.
- See also the information on LDAP Import.