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Standard Interfaces for project-Jira Integration

Jira: Create User

  • Creates PLANTA users in Jira

Jira: Link Users

  • Links PLANTA and Jira users who have the same e-mail address

Jira: Refresh all Users

  • Refreshes all values of the synchronized Jira users based on the corresponding PLANTA users

Jira: Create Project

  • Creates a corresponding project in Jira for a project to be synchronized in PLANTA project

Jira: Refresh Project

  • Refreshes the project in Jira which corresponds to the project in PLANTA project to which changes were made

Jira: Create Issue

  • Creates a corresponding issue in Jira for a task to be synchronized in PLANTA project

Jira: Refresh Issue

  • Refreshes the issue in Jira which corresponds to the task in PLANTA project to which changes were made

Jira: Import Work Loads

  • Imports the hours worked recorded on issues in Jira to the respective tasks in PLANTA project
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