Completed Configurations MOD009CIP
- PLANTA link role → Interface Administration → Completed Configurations
- The Completed Configurations module shows completed interface configurations.
- Completed configurations are configurations for which the Completed checkbox ( ) is activated. It is
- either activated automatically when the configuration is run,
- or activated manually if the configuration is not to be run.
- Completed configurations are configurations for which the Completed checkbox ( ) is activated. It is
- When opening the module, the archived configurations of the current month are displayed by default.
- In the bottom area of the module, the filter criteria (year, month) can be changed.
- The individual configurations are displayed grouped by calendar weeks.
- Via the context menu on the required configuration you can carry out different actions:
- Open log: Opens the Logging module with the log information for the selected configuration.
- Open Parameters: Opens the Interface Parameters module in which the parameters of the completed configuration can be viewed.
- Open Configuration: Opens the Configuration module in which the mappings of the completed configuration can be viewed.
- Delete marked: Deletes all marked configurations
Procedure Filter interface configuration
- Specify year and month up to which you want filtering to take place in the Year and Month fields.
- Click on the Use filter button
- Configurations the Completed on date of which lies within the filtered period are displayed.
Procedure Delete logging
- Set filter criteria as described before.
- Click on the Delete logging button.
- Log entries of the displayed configuration are deleted including all parameters, mapping and pool data.
Procedure Delete completed interface configurations
- Set filter criteria as described before.
- Click on the Delete completed configurations button.
- Displayed configurations are deleted.