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Mapping Parameters MOD009C45


  • PLANTA link role → Interface ConfigurationConfiguration and Execution panel → ConfigurationEdit parameters button on a mapping element → Mapping Parameters
    • If the mapping element has no parameters, the No parameters available message is displayed in the status line and the Mapping Parameters module will not be opened.


  • The module enables the parameterization of the mapping elements that contain specific functions.
    • Mapping elements of the Source, Pool, or Target type cannot be parameterized.
  • Via the Link on the mapping function name, the description of this function can be opened in the Online Help under (39.5.19-en) Interface Library#MappingFunktionen.

Relative parameters

  • Instead of entering a fixed value, the result of another column may as well be referenced.
    • For this purpose, the value from the Object field of the target mapping, which is to be used as parameter, must be entered with prefixed @ signs.
    • If the "@" value is to be used explicitly, the value must be escaped with a prefixed backslash: "\@"


  • The TaskExists validator requires a project ID to check whether the transferred task ID does exist in this project.

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