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Global Settings (Link) MOD009DJ7



  • In the Settings module, global settings can be configured which are relevant for the PLANTA link area.
  • Information on the editing and creation of global settings, please refer to the description of the Global Settings module in the PLANTA customizer help area. The module itself provides a general overview of all global settings of the system.


  • If "0" is offered for selection as a parameter value and no value is defined for a particular parameter, it behaves as if it was set to "0".
Parameter - nameParameter - IDMeaning and valuesDefault

Activate SSL validation


Configures whether SSL certificates are validated by PLANTA link.

0: are not validated
1: are validated


Hostname for web interfaces


This parameter serves to configure the host name which is to be used by PLANTA link in web interfaces.

If the field is not filled, the default host name of the computer is used.

Local host address


Parameter which is used when the local host address must have a specific value (e.g. depending on the Docker environment).

Default value 'localhost'

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