Logging MOD009C3L
- PLANTA link role → Interface Configuration → Configuration and Execution panel → Configuration → View log button → Logging
- PLANTA link role → Interface Configuration → Configuration and Execution panel → Execution → View log → Logging
- PLANTA link role → Interface Administration → Completed Configurations → Open log context menu entry → Logging
- PLANTA link role → Interface Administration → Pending Configurations → Open log context menu entry → Logging
- Here, the log entries for the interface configuration can be viewed, provided that the log type for the configuration is set to = "PLANTA table".
- Via the Delete records button in the header area of the module, all log entries of the selected configuration can be deleted.
- Via the Create logfile button, you can have a log file generated.
- Log entries are generated
- when you validate a configuration by clicking on the Validate configuration button in the Configuration module as well as
- when carrying out a configuration by clicking on the Execute button in the Execution module.
- At the bottom module margin you can set via the individual buttons
- how many or which records are to be displayed (on one page) and
- to which page you want to jump.
- Via << or >> you can jump to the first or last page.
- Via < or > you can jump to the previous or following page.
- When you click on the * button, all records will be displayed.
- When you click on GO you jump to the page corresponding to the value entered in the Jump to page field.
- In the Records field you can enter the number of records to be displayed on one page as a maximum after clicking on GO.
- In the Warning and Error areas, you can jump to the previous/next warning or to the previous/next error via < and >.
- Before you carry out a configuration, the degree of detail of the logging can be defined by selecting a value in the Log level field.