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Requests MOD009DEI



  • The module provides an overview of all logged requests.
  • When you open it for the first time, the requests of the current month are filtered.
  • In this module you can delete the requests logged up to a particular point in time at the click of a button.
  • Via the link on the time of a request, the Logging module is opened in which you can view the logging records for the request.

Explanation of the performance columns

DurationDB writeDB readCache writeCache readSerializationResponse writeLogic
Measures the entire runtime from the receipt of the request up to the successful reception of the message by the clientMeasures how much time was consumed by writing database queries or deletion/saving of POJOsMeasures how much time was consumed by reading database queries or POJO queriesMeasures how much time was consumed by the writing of caches by utilities.cachedMeasures how much time was consumed by the reading of caches by utilities.cachedMeasures how much time was consumed by the conversion of the results into JSONMeasures how much time was consumed by sending the message to the clientThis column contains the remaining duration which could not be distributed to the other columns
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