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Approve Project Applications


  • If in your company projects must go through an approval process, PLANTA project offers a suitable module for you. Here it is possible to make outline planning for projects or project proposals and to forward them to the persons responsible for approval. In such a case, a project can only be started (realized) once it has been approved. For this purpose, project applications will be created for the respective projects or proposals. 
  • From a technical point of view, a project application is a status report in which the current planning data of a project (proposal) are frozen.
  • The persons entitled to approve the proposed projects are usually multi-project managers or members of a project office. Therefore, the approval function in PLANTA project is made available to users with mutli-project manager rights by default. 
  • Managers of the respective projects or project proposals can issue project applications. 
  • Both appliers and approvers work with the same modules:
    • Project Applications: This module is an entry and overview module in which new project applications can be issued and header data of already existing applications are displayed with their status.
    • Project Application: In this module, the data of the respective application is displayed and the application can be approved or deleted here. 

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