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Calculation Matrix for Dates, Costs, and Budgets



  • In the first table below you will find a list of the use of different calculation functions which can be effected via the respective module buttons or menu items in different user modules. In the second table, the calculation functions are explained in more detail.
Button/menu item
Scheduling including calculation of costs/revenues/benefit
Budget calculation
Calculation of
risks and opportunities
Schedule (Project)

in the toolbar or
Edit → Calculate schedule menu item

Schedule (Program)

in the toolbar or
Edit → Calculate schedule menu item

Budget (Project)Recalculate++-
Budget (Program)Recalculate


Revenues/benefit are only summarized from projects to programs which do not have any revenues/benefit of their own.

Status (Project)Create baseline
Create status report
Create final report
Status (Program)Create baseline
Create status report
Create final report


Except summarization of costs to cost type groups

Replanning Replanning




Explanations of individual calculation types :

Calculation type
Date scheduling

Manual cost input

Planning model parameter
Manual cost input =

Only calculation of dates

Automatic cost calculation

Planning model parameter
Manual cost input =

Schedule calculation with costs model parameter = 0

Calculation of dates and capacities (loads)

Schedule calculation with costs model parameter = 1
  • Calculation of dates, capacities (loads) and costs on the lowest planning level (load)
  • Summarization of the calculated costs to resource assignment, task, and project along the project levels. 
  • Summarization of calculated costs to cost type groups per year 
  • Summarization of the costs
    • from cost type groups per year and project to cost type groups per project and subsequently to the cross-group project total value
    • as well as from subproject to parent projects
  • Summarization of revenues from individual load records of the resource to years
  • Summarization of the benefit values of individual KPIs per year to years of the project
Budget calculation

Summarization of the budget

  • from cost type groups per year and project to cost type groups per project and subsequently to the cross-group project total value
  • as well as from subproject to parent projects


  • For detailed information on cost/budget planning and calculation, please see here.
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