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Freeze Project Planning / Baseline


  • A baseline is a status report in which the approved and adopted planning is displayed and which is regarded as a reference or comparison report during project progress.

Where can I create a baseline?

In the Status module of the required project

You can open the project a) by opening a dialog window via the Extras → Go to menu or via CTRL + G and entering the ID of the required project or b) by clicking on the link on the ID of the required project in any module. Subsequently, click on the Status module tab. 

Who is allowed to create a baseline?

All users who have access to the Status module and have modification rights for projects. These are, in PLANTA standard, managers of the respective project, their deputies, or multi-project managers. For further information on rights, please click here.


  • The Current status area of the Status module shows current planning data of the project, divided into the Costs, Effort, Dates, etc. subareas, which are included in the status report when a baseline is created.
  • In each area, traffic lights show the deviations between calculated cost or effort data and budgets, as well as between requested and calculated dates (and trend values, if status reports have been created before).
  • By expanding the subareas you can view the details including precise values.
  • The planning values cannot be changed here.
  • The project manager, however, can write comments on each area and submit his/her estimate by changing the
    estimate symbol.
  • If all data is checked, all comments are written, and estimates have been made, you can go ahead and create a status report. To do so,
    • Click on the Create baseline button.
    • Answer the Do you really want to create a baseline?  message with  Yes.
    • A new baseline report will be created, in which the current status of the project, as displayed in the Status module, is frozen. The created baseline report will be displayed further below in the module under the Status Reports heading with "Baseline" report status. To open the report, click on the link on the ID of the report.
      • As a result you will be redirected to the Status Report module. In this module you can view the frozen data of the baseline. Since the Status module always shows the latest planning status, the baseline data can only be accessed in the Status Report module.
      • If required, you can export the baseline data to PowerPoint by clicking on the PowerPoint symbol in the header bar of the report.

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