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Resource Utilization by Skill MOD009B01



  • In this module, the utilization of resources per selected skill is displayed. The complete utilization of the selected skill and of single resources with this skill is displayed.
    • You can assign skills to resources in the Resource Data Sheet module.


  • The causes of utilization (projects and tasks for which the resource is planned or for which he or she has already worked) can be displayed by opening the tree structure.
  • On project and task level, Remaining effort, Overload, Calculated start date, and Calculated end date of the respective resources are displayed.
  • Remaining effort and Overload will additionally be summarized to resource level.
  • In the scale area, resource dates per project and task are additionally represented in a Gantt chart.
  • tasks for which the resource in question is planned and which already have an Actual end are displayed grayed out.

To be considered

  • PLANTA recommends to carry out a replanning of all projects before viewing the utilization diagram, especially if changes have been made to the resource structure.
Legend: Histogram
Planned load (remaining load) of the resource(s) in projects
The color of the bar is determined by the code of the projects.
Code A
Code B
Code C
Code D
Code E
The code is defined in the Project Core Data of the respective project.
The values for the histogram bars are each calculated from the Summarized planned code 1 to Summarized planned code 5 columns.
Actual load of the resource(s)
The values for the histogram bar will be determined from the Summarized used column from the period records of the resource(s) (DT468). The values in the period records, however, stem from the working time recording of the resources (DT472).
Available capacity of the resource(s)
The values for the histogram bar will be determined from the Summarized available capacity column from the period records of the resource(s) (DT468). The value in DT468, however, comes from the general Available capacity defined for the resource in the Resource Data Sheet.
The limiting line at the top of the bar will remain visible despite of overlapping by load data.
Basic load of the resource(s)
The values for the histogram bar will be determined from the Basic load (factor value 3) column from the period records of the resource(s) (DT468). The value in DT468, however, comes from the general Available capacity defined for the resource in the Resource Data Sheet.
The limiting line at the top of the bar will remain visible despite of overlapping by load data.


Overload of the resource
The overload percentage value displayed in the red bar or the absolute overload displayed as a red number will be determined from the availability of the resource (Summarized available capacity) and its planned loads (Summarized planned).
Legend: Bar Diagram (Project/Task/Resource)
Task requested dates
Requested start and Requested end of a task are defined in the Schedule module.
Calculated dates of the selected resource for the selected task in the selected project.The color of the bar will be determined by the code of the respective project. For the meaning of the individual code colors, see the histogram scale.Calc. start and Calc. end of a resource in a task (resource assignment) are calculated by clicking on the calculation button in the toolbar or by selecting the respective menu item.
Actual dates of the selected resource for the selected task in the selected project.The bar is hatched in white.Actual start and last Latest time recording date of a resource in a task (resource assignment) will be calculated from the recorded hours worked of the corresponding resource (DT472) or they will be edited manually.
Latest task dates
Latest start and Latest end of a resource in a task (resource assignment) are calculated by clicking on the calculation button in the toolbar or by selecting the respective menu item.

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